Ladies I am mostly talking to you right now- but butts are as trendy today as ever. Everyone wants a nicely shaped backyard. How do you go about getting one? Well if you have a flat behind there are exercises you can do to help enhance your derriere. I personally had not so round of a rear end a few years ago but after putting in work at the gym I most say my Kiester is looking rounder and more muscular. Here are exercises below you can do to enhance your gluteus maximus and minimus.
1. Split squat lunge- Example is pictured above. Now if your balance is not the best please do this on a stationary bench. A. Place one foot on the bench the other a stride length away from the bench or stability ball B. Drop your body weight straight down making sure knee does not go past toe. C. Stand back up and repeat same leg. 2 sets- 10 reps each leg
2. Bridge- A. On your back have your body in one straight line. B. Push up with your heels raising your booty as high off the ground as you can. C. Hold for 30 seconds or you can drop down and push yourself up 15 times. Repeat 2-3 times. To intensify this exercise you can hold a 10lb plate on your abdomen/pelvic region.
3. Squats- That is right a basic squat will work that rear. A. Sit down like you are sitting in a chair push up using your heels. B. Make sure your knees never go past your toes. -To make this harder use dumbbells Preform 2-3 sets- 10-12 reps
4. Step-Ups- You can use a step if you have one handy or a bench at the gym. If you are at your home a sturdy chair or an actual step. A. Step up onto the bench/step with one leg and step down using opposite leg. B. Push up through the heel as you step up activating your glutes. - To make harder use dumbbells. Preform 2-3 sets- 10-12 reps a leg.
5. Plie Squat- If you are working on your butt push up through your heals if you want to work inner thighs push up on the inside of your foot. A. Your feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width apart. B. Sit back into your heels and stand back up. - As always to intensify use weights. Preform 2-3 sets 10-12 reps.
6. Deadlifts- This is an advanced exercise- if you have low back issues do not do. It may look easy and you might not feel anything when you do it but when you wake up the next morning and realize your hamstrings and glutes are on fire this is why. A. Start standing up right with weights in front of quads. B. Start bending forwards weights dropping to shins or floor with a slight bend in your knees. C. Pull up using the backs of your legs (hamstrings and glutes). 2-3 sets- 10 reps
7. Hamstring Curls with Stability ball- The picture shows this exercise with one leg raised that is the advanced option you don't need to do that. Again lower back issues be careful. A. Starting with your body straight put both heels on the ball. B. Pull the ball in towards your butt using your hamstrings (back of the legs) C. Lengthen back out to where you started. - You may need to adjust the ball position doing this exercise it is totally fine and normal. 2-3 sets- 10 reps
8. Kneeling cable kickback- If you do not have access to a gym or cables you can do with a band at home if you have one. A. Put cuff around ankle and hands firmly on bench along with the knee that will not be doing the work. B. Try to keep leg straight and push back straight out behind you. C. Keep leg straight and bring back in. Repeat. If the weight is to heavy your form will be compromised you do not want this. 2-3 sets- 10-12 reps a leg.
This is a great booty workout that will have your rump looking fantastic in no time- Enjoy!!