Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Calling all ladies: Pick up the heavy weights

I do hear from time to time women telling me they do not want to lift heavy weights because they do not want to get "big."  This comes from women of all ages ranging from high school females to women in their 60's.  They don't want to have huge muscles, I get it I don't want to look like a guy myself.  As women though we lack the testosterone that males have making it very difficult for us to bulk up.  Instead we have many other health benefits we gain from lifting the heavier weights.  Below are some of the top reasons you should pick up the heavier weights.

Reasons to pick up the big weights: 

1. You will burn more calories: For every pound of muscle your body burns an additional 50 calories at rest.  The more muscle you have the more calories you burn.  Don't focus on how many calories you are burning during the actually lifting session.  You want to focus on all the benefits you are getting after your workout is complete.

2. You will tone up:  The number one goal I hear now is I want to tone up.  The best way to tone up is lifting weights.  You don't want to lift the 3-5lb weights either (unless you have health issues or are pregnant)  The general rule to follow is the last few reps you should be able to feel the burn.  If your breezing through 10-12 reps and not feeling anything it is time to pick up the heavier weights.

3. Lose belly fat: The more calories your burning equals the less fat your storing.  Which women tend to store especially as we age is around our middle & tush.  Lifting will help burn those extra calories which equals to a tighter & more defined mid-section.

4. Boost your metabolism: Moving your body and staying active helps keep that car burning up the fuel.  In this case the car is you and the fuel is fat.  So the more your moving and being active the more your keeping your fire (metabolism) burning!

5. You will lose overall inches: Women who are lifting weights tend to have smaller measurements overall.  It does not lead to bigger arms or legs which most women are afraid of instead you start to slims down in the "trouble" area.  The new muscles shape those hard to tone areas to be more firm and get rid of the dreaded "bat wings" or "saddlebags."

6. Reduce your risk for various diseases: Weight lifting protects against heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome.  New studies point to the prevention of metabolic syndrome due to increasing muscle mass & strength.

7. You will blast calories: If you have lifted heavy weights you will notice you will get out of breathe. It takes effort to lift larger weights as your utilizing and recruiting various muscles to help you lift your ideal weights.  If you really want to blast calories adding a tabata lifting routine to your workouts will help raise your heart rate & you will get a muscle burn all at the same time.

8. It's good for your bones: Lifting weights has been proven to help prevent osteoporosis and fractures that occur after a fall.  No matter your age strong bones are a plus as we age we need to make sure those bones stay strong by incorporating strength exercises into your daily routine you are doing just that.  It is never to late to start an exercise program.

As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more fitness related topics & information.  If you liked what you read feel free to share it with your friends via the links below.

In Good Health,

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Healthy Snack Ideas

We all have been there we look in our cupboard and you can't find anything to much on.  So you break out your ice cream, chips and whatever else you can get your hands on.  With a little advanced planning and prep work you can find yourself a healthy snack to help curb those cravings.  Below are great snack ideas I personally use as well as my clients to help keep those cravings at bay.

Morning Snacks
1 Kiwi
1 Orange
15 grapes
1 small pear
1 cup cubed cantaloupe
3 dried figs
12 cherries
2 small plums
1 cup cubed watermelon
4 dried apricots
1 medium peach
1/2 cup mango
1 medium apple
2 tbsp. dried fruit
3/4 cup grapefruit sections
1/2 cup dried fruit and 12 almonds
1 cup frozen berries

Afternoon Snacks
1 oz string cheese, 2 small tangerines and 6 whole grain crackers
1 oz low fat cheese, 4 wasa crackers, 1 cup sliced bell peppers and zucchini
1 granny smith apple,6 oz yogurt w/2 tbsp raisins
1/2 cup cottage cheese mixed w/ 2 tbsp chopped walnuts, 1 plum
4 rye crackers, 2 tbsp low-fat cheese spread, 1 med. orange
6 oz low-fat yogurt, 6 almonds, 4 dried apricots
2 oz turkey, 1 oz low fat cheese, 1 slice whole wheat brea, 1 plum
1 scoop why protein mixed w/water and 1 large bananas 
High-protein energy bar
8oz skim milk, 1 oz turkey, 1 slice bread
15 baby carrots w/3 tbsp hummus
2 kashi crunchy granola bars
1/2 cup fiber one cereal w/3/4 cup low-fat milk and 1/2 cup blueberries
1 apple w/ 2 tbsp peanut butter
2 hard-boiled eggs, 6 whole wheat triscuit crackers

As always if you want more information check out www.safiretraining.com 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How I lost 40 pounds and kept it off

Todays blog is a very personal one since it is almost 4 years ago to the date that I embarked on my own weight loss journey.  I wanted to share that with readers today to show you it's never to late to start your journey and you can't outrun a bad diet!

 I have always been a fit person, I love to lift weights, workout, play sports.  There was a time though shortly after college that I stayed up to late, ate to many late night meals, and had a few to many alcoholic beverages.  Well all that did was add 30 pounds to me.  I was a personal trainer at the time this was all happening.  I saw what I was doing for my clients and realized I needed to do some work on myself.  I had a break through at the gym one morning while running on the treadmill watching a P!nk music video.  She was speaking directly to me I felt and I realized I didn't want to go through life like that anymore.  I was half awake, and only lived for the weekends.  Meanwhile I was working from 5am-10pm.  So was really wearing my body down.  I somehow still got to the gym every morning during the week or I'm sure my weight gain would have been more.  This is why I know you can't outrun a bad diet. I was burning 600-1000 calories at the gym each session.  I didn't set out with a timeline at hand I just knew I wanted to get back to my old weight or even lower.  So my personal weight loss took about a year.  I did so by watching what I ate and cut down on the nights out.  I turned towards clean eating and re-discovered my passion for healthy food and fitness all over again.

Now is the sometimes challenging part how do you keep off the weight after you have lost it.  Notice I did say I lost 40lbs I did lose an extra 10lbs from my starting weight, yeah!

Tips for keeping off the weight: 

1. Have a scary number in your mind: I have a range of numbers in which I am okay with my weight fluctuating between.  If I go outside my range I immediately start to rein in my diet and up my workout intensity.  I know that if it creeps out of my range you can easily fall back into old habits.

2. Keep changing up your workouts: I love working out by I too can get bored from doing the same old routine.  Sometimes I need to mix it up and leave the gym for a workout or two.  If I'm really in a funk I buy a groupon and try a new fitness facility or style of workout I'm not used to for a month.  That usually gets me back on track.

3. Don't go more than 3 days without a workout: If you start skipping your workouts day after day you start to justify you don't need a workout.  It gets much harder to get back on track which can further derail your fitness goals and weight gain can be inevitable.

4. Eat clean: Diet is 80% of weight loss.  I personally can feel if I have had a bad day with nutrition I don't feel as well.  I lose energy, feel cranky, and don't want to workout that day.  So I try to keep my diet as clean as possible.  Meaning low carbs, high fruits & veggies, and lots of protein.

5. Have a protein shake daily: I love having a protein shake every morning.  It is a great way to start my day it gives me energy and makes me feel full. I personally enjoy the brand Isagenix.

6. Indulge every once in a while: I tell the majority of my clients they need to eat clean 80% of the time, once you have reached your goal.  It is okay to have a treat for special occasions or if your craving a piece of dark chocolate go ahead and have a piece just don't eat the whole candy bar.  If you know you can't have just a little your better off finding a new "treat" for yourself.

7. Schedule your workouts: If it isn't scheduled it's not real- Marie Forelo stated she was speaking to business owners but this applies to your own workouts as well.  She is 100% correct, I always schedule my workout into my day.  If I don't make time for myself no one else will.

8. Don't beat yourself up over a bad day: If you had a rough day at work, you didn't eat well, you missed your workout and are now beating yourself up about it.  Forget about it!  You don't need to be perfect everyday.  If your striving for perfection you are bound to fail at some point.  Even the strongest willed person will indulge themselves from time to time.

Those are some of my best tips for helping you keep your weight loss off.  I have kept my weight steady for 4 years now.  For extra motivation having a picture of what you used to look like handy will help fight some of those cravings.  (I tried to find one for this blog post but don't have any saved on the computer, but I do have one hanging on my wall to remind me of how far I have come!)  As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more fitness inspiration and tips!  Plus check out our new Fab Abs video at the link below!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to increase your energy

Many people battle lack of energy everyday.  Some drink 5 hour energy drinks around the clock to get their energy up, others turn to caffeinated drinks (sodas) while others spend their day at a coffee shop sipping lattes.  This is not the healthy route to go to get your energy for your day.  One thing most people need to examine in their lives is how much sleep are you getting?  Are you burning the oil at both ends?  If so its time to start checking into bed earlier.  Below are some other tips to help you keep your energy throughout the day and avoiding the 3pm crash.

Energy Tips:

1. Drink a cup of green tea- Enjoy a pot of green tea around the mid-day crash instead of reaching for that 5 hour energy drink.

2. Grab a quick 10 minute workout- Take a break from your desk and enjoy a round of push-ups, squats, lunges, etc.  This will help boost your energy and metabolism in the middle of the day.

3. Change your atmosphere- If you need to change your attitude or mindset move around.  If your sitting- stand up, if your getting restless clap your hands, perform squats, or change what your looking at.

4. Laugh- Laughing boosts your blood pressure and your heart rate.  So laughing a few times at a funny joke or watching a funny video will help boost your energy when you need a little pick me up!

5. Stretch- Stretching helps the sympathetic nervous system which in turns helps your entire body and mind feel energized.

6. Eat- Make sure your blood sugar is not running to low.  Think about the last time you ate and what you ate.  If it was not healthy and full of sugar you are probably coming down from a blood sugar crash.  Make sure your keeping your metabolism steady by having an even dose of carbs, protein and fats.

Those are some quick tips for helping you beat the 3pm blues.  If you want more information check out www.safiretraining.com for fitness tips and cutting edge workouts.  Leave a comment below what is your favorite energy boosting tip!

In good health,