This year I'm trying something a little different for my own personal fitness goals and wanted to share with you the steps I'm taking to make sure 2014 is the year of my fitness dreams! I have broken down my year into 4 quarters and will focus on each quarter as an individual. In my post I have shared with you the set-up I'm doing for my first quarter January-March. This year I want to focus on feelings because as we strive to reach our fitness goals truly we are looking to feel a certain way not just to hit this ideal weight, body fat percentage or run a race. Usually we have a feeling behind the need for those goals. So as your working on your own fitness goals for the next year think about not only what you want to accomplish but how you want to feel. This is part one of the banging body series that will be coming throughout the month of January.
To really start your year off right begin my creating a spreadsheet or if your still a paper, pencil gal write your goals down in a chart format. In the middle record your big goals for the next few months,in the column on the far left write down your ongoing tasks to reach your goals. These can be small tasks that will help you reach your overall main goal. Below that are 1 time events to really set yourself up for success record what date you will accomplish your goal. On the far right record the purpose of your ongoing fitness plan. So the why behind what your doing in your action plan. If you don't know the purpose behind your madness it will probably not be accomplished. So dive into your new year by setting realistic and measurable goals, don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
If setting goals still makes you sweat and you don't know where to begin below is a calendar to get you through January. There are fun little challenges combined with fitness & nutrition ideas to help you start 2014 off on the right foot.
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In good health, Andrea