Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Banging Body Part 1

This year I'm trying something a little different for my own personal fitness goals and wanted to share with you the steps I'm taking to make sure 2014 is the year of my fitness dreams!  I have broken down my year into 4 quarters and will focus on each quarter as an individual.  In my post I have shared with you the set-up I'm doing for my first quarter January-March.  This year I want to focus on feelings because as we strive to reach our fitness goals truly we are looking to feel a certain way not just to hit this ideal weight, body fat percentage or run a race.  Usually we have a feeling behind the need for those goals.  So as your working on your own fitness goals for the next year think about not only what you want to accomplish but how you want to feel.  This is part one of the banging body series that will be coming throughout the month of January.

Banging body part 1
To really start your year off right begin my creating a spreadsheet or if your still a paper, pencil gal write your goals down in a chart format.  In the middle record your big goals for the next few months,in the column on the far left write down your ongoing tasks to reach your goals.  These can be small tasks that will help you reach your overall main goal.  Below that are 1 time events to really set yourself up for success record what date you will accomplish your goal.  On the far right record the purpose of your ongoing fitness plan.  So the why behind what your doing in your action plan.  If you don't know the purpose behind your madness it will probably not be accomplished.  So dive into your new year by setting realistic and measurable goals, don't be afraid to put yourself out there.

Banging Body

If setting goals still makes you sweat and you don't know where to begin below is a calendar to get you through January.  There are fun little challenges combined with fitness & nutrition ideas to help you start 2014 off on the right foot.

Jan. New Year, New You Calendar

If you like what you read and want to get even more fitness tips sign-up for our bi-weekly newsletter that will keep you up to date on everything fitness, nutrition & motivation.

In good health,  Andrea

Banging body part 1

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Top 5 Fitness Posts of 2013

As we are on the brink of Christmas Eve I thought I would reflect back on the year that was.  Plus next week I have week 1 of Banging Body a 4 part series.  So I looked through my old posts this year and picked out my 4 most visited blog posts and one of my personal favorites.  So below I present to you the top 5 fitness posts of 2013.

 Top 5 Fitness Posts of 2013

1: How I lost 40lbs & kept it off

 Top 5 posts of 2013

2: Healthy Peoples, Healthy Habits

Top 5 posts of 2013

3: Tight toned legs

Top 5 posts of 2013

4: How to uncover those abs

Top 5 Posts of 2013

5: Five Tips from Downton Abbey

5 Top posts of 2013

Thanks so much for everyone who enjoys SaFire Training and the content we put out.  It is our goal going into the New Year to bring you more video workouts, motivational content & nutritional information.  That is my focus in the next year with SaFire Training to really hone in on the 3 aspects of fitness that I see are key for people: fitness, nutrition, & motivation.  Have a wonderful holiday season to you and your families.
In good health,

Don't forget to sign-up for our bi-weekly newsletter so you receive information that only our subscribers receive and receive your free gift on tips for losing the last 10 pounds.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Vison boards, SMART Goals, Inspiration- Oh my!

With the year winding down quite a few people are focusing on their 2014 goals.  As one of my clients said 2014 has a much better ring to it then 2013 does.  So depending on how your year went you might feel the same way.  So with a new year approaching what are your goals?  Don't go another year without putting goals on paper.  As I was telling my guy if you don't have goals where are you going in life?  How do you know you ever reach that destination?  I feel quite a few people live each day on a hamster wheel not really focusing on achieving something.  The achievement doesn't have to be something huge it can be something as simple as saving up to buy a new ipad, or learning how to snowboard, taking that trip to Sweden that you always wanted to do, maybe its losing those last 10 pounds & keeping them off.  Whatever you're striving for write it down and post somewhere you can see it daily.
I have recently read a book entitled Desire Map by: Danielle LaPorte it really is a wonderful book if you want to get down to the nitty gritty of writing goals.  Every goal she records she records how she wants to feel next to it.  So she is not only striving towards a goal but recording how she wants to feel when she achieves it.  She makes a great point of saying its the journey to the goal that will make or break achieving the goal.  If the journey is awful & tortures one how likely will they meet that goal?  Most likely they will quit that experience and forget about it & throw in the towel on goal setting, saying it doesn't work for them.  So when you tie a feeling to the goal really focus on that feeling because that is what you are truly striving for not the goal itself.  You feel the goal for example going to Sweden will make you feel excited to fill a childhood dream.  This is what you are remembering while you're saving money from every paycheck to attain your goal.

Finally when setting any goal or working on your vision board follow the SMART acronym.



A- Attainable


T- Time

 Make sure you have recorded a date with all you're goals and not just said you will learn how to snowboard in 2014.  Try and be specific such as By March 31st, 2014 I will have learned how to snowboard and feel overjoyed at the fact that I tried a new sport.  In that example you have the date listed, what your goal is and then finally how you would feel after achieving that.  So give smart goals a shot in 2014 try a new goal setting procedure to help you reach whatever goal you set out to achieve in the upcoming new year.  
As always check back every Tuesday for new blog posts and sign-up below to be on our newsletter list in which I give out fitness tips only to my subscribers.

In good health, Andrea
SaFire Training

SaFire TrainingDownton Abbey fitness

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Basketball Inspired Workout

A huge part of my youth and 20's was spent either playing or coaching basketball.  One thing I have learned from playing and coaching is you get to be in phenomenal shape.  Some people only like to play sports to workout because it is more fun for them.  Others prefer to not spend hours on the treadmill because their knees are not what they used to be from all the years of playing sports.  So what is someone to do when they want to play a team sport but either don't have the opportunity to do so?  Here is a great basketball inspired workout to help motivate you to get back in the game!

basketball inspired workout

Basketball Inspired Workout

Repeat 1-3 times

  1. Side Shuffles-  This is where you shuffle between two cones or lines staying low in a squat position.  Move as fast as you can.  Note you don't have to touch your hand to the ground, your foot is fine. 
  2. Push-ups- Most people know how to do a push-up just remember to touch your chest to a tennis ball on the ground & push yourself back up. 
  3. Wall Taps- Jump upwards to the top of a doorway as you are trying to hit a certain mark.  Quick hops up and down will not only get your heart rate up but work those legs. 
  4. Wall Sit- Lean your back against the wall and legs bent at 90 degrees and hold up to 1 minute. 
  5. Spiderman Crawls- March the hands out in front of the shoulders as you bring one foot up to arm pit.  Then walk the other foot forwards as you slide upwards.  
  6. Killers- Find 4 sets of lines to run between or walk quickly between if your not a runner anymore.  You will run to the first line then run back to your starting point.  Then run to the second line & back to starting point, then 3rd line & starting point and finish with your 4th line and run back to the start.  Repeat this pattern 1-5 times if you wish. 
  7. Walking Lunges- Perform a lunge making sure you knee doesn't go past the toe & walk the other foot in front.  Keep walking forwards making sure you hit the 90 degree mark with both legs.
  8. Speedy Feet to Burpees- Moving your arms back and forth, start moving your feet staying on your toes every 5 seconds perform a burpee dropping your chest to the ground and then jump your feet to your hands & jump back up to your toes.  Perform speedy feet again for 5 seconds then back to burpees.
  9. Tabletop Crunches- Lying on back legs in tabletop crunch upwards working abs & slowly lower back down.
  10. Plank- Hold body in plank position on forearms & toes.  Squeeze your glutes & hold 20 seconds-1 minute.
*Repeat round 1 of each exercise for 20 reps, repeat round 2 for 15 reps and finish round 3 with 10 reps

  1. Jump Squats- Squat low & jump upwards to toes & end back in squat form. 
  2. Plyo-Push-ups-  In push-up position perform push-up down on your up position push body upwards into air clap if you want and repeat another push-up. 
  3. Split Jumps- In a lunge position jump up & switch other leg in front.  Trying to stay low keep alternating legs into lunge position.
You can do this workout if you want to harness your inner athlete once again.  Though after doing the workout you might remember your glory days slightly differently and realize your current workouts are suiting you just fine.  If you were an athlete you will remember the practices where coach was having a rough day and you ran and ran and ran.  So if you need that extra push think about hiring a trainer they will give you that extra umph when you think you have hit your last leg.  Good luck and have fun with the basketball inspired workout!

If you like what you read and want to sign-up for the newsletter which I have even more workouts & recipes for free sign-up below.  Don't worry I only email you once a week, I promise.

In good health,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

5 fitness tips you can learn from Downton Abbey

For those of you who know me you know that Downton Abbey is my new favorite show.  Yes, I'm just getting on the bandwagon now.  It really happened by accident, I had a free trial of amazon prime and it recommended that I watch Downton Abbey.  I thought sure lets give it a shot.  Well after the first few episodes I was hooked.  For those of you who are thinking how does this relate to fitness well below are the 5 tips that I have learned from watching Downton Abbey that we can apply to our own lives.


Downton Abbey Fitness Tips:

  1. Go outside:  You will see various characters going outside taking a walk with a friend, or walking their dog, or even walking with their spouse while hunting.  The characters enjoy getting a bit of fresh air.  Notice you never see them going for a run or on a strict routine they just move everyday.  
  2. Hire someone:   The "upstairs" folks have the "downstairs" folks at their disposal.  They help make their life easier, just like a personal trainer does for someone.  A good trainer will not only give you a great workout but plan out what your week or month will look like in advance.  Unless you are a movie star you probably do not have the disposable income to have a trainer with you 24/7 such as the Downton Abbey characters would.  That doesn't mean you can't utilize their expertise and motivation to help you reach your fitness goals.
  3. Plan your meals in advance:  At Downton Abbey the "upstairs" folks never have to think about what to eat each day.  They are served by Mrs. Pattimore & her kitchen staff.  The only one doing the meal planning is Mrs. Pattimore.  Now unless you can afford a full time cook you are probably the one creating the menu and cooking everyday.  While, take a page from Downton Abbeys book and plan ahead for your weekly meals.  Not only will that save you time on a day to day basis but it will also help you eat healthier.
  4. Socialize with friends: It seems that Lord Grantham is always having friends over for dinner or visiting his friends in their castles.  One of the key things about becoming & staying healthy is having a good network and supportive friends & family around you.  Not only does Robert & Cora open their home to friends & family they stick by each during the tough times, for instance the end of season 3.  Socializing with friends also makes working out more enjoyable knowing you have an accountability partner waiting for you at the gym each day.
  5. Don't over indulge: It is never lady like to overindulge in Downton Abbey.  The females are to know their limit when it comes to alcohol consumption and never want to appear intoxicated.  This is a good rule of thumb when your having a glass of wine to wind down from your week.  Remember one glass of wine for females & two for males have health benefits over that amount do more harm than good to the body.  We all saw Mr. Molesley dancing up a storm at the end of season 3 in Scotland you don't want to be that guy or gal.

As you can see there are many great health tips we can learn from watching Downton Abbey.  The characters have the right idea of what it means to be healthy and act accordingly.  We just have to look a little outside of the box to catch all of the health benefits they are offering to us.  Can you think of another health tip you that Downton Abbey teaches us?  If so comment below. As always check out new fitness tips & inspirations that I only share with my readers each Wednesday.