It's Friday night you've had a long week and you reach for that bottle of wine? Before you know it the bottle of wine is gasp, empty! Well there went that diet as you were consuming that wine you had an extra piece of pizza and then a cookie or two and before you know it you've consumed over 1000 calories! Saturday rolls around you have a slight headache and just feel like sleeping in. There goes that gym date you said you were going to do in the morning. Then later in the day your friend says hey lets meet up for a few drinks. Before you know it you just repeated Friday night all over again. You miss your Sunday workout and take a nap later in the day. Then Monday comes around and your back on your strict clean eating plan. You might have an occasional drink in the week but nothing major. Is this cycle going to make you gain weight?
Well over the course of many months yes this will add up on the waist line. This is not the healthiest lifestyle to lead. Does this mean no alcohol ever? Well no I typically tell clients 3 drinks or under a week to keep yourself in decent shape. So when it comes time for that night out really think twice about how much & what your going to drink. Those sugar laden drinks can really cost you your fitness goals. So when you look at your fitness goals and think is alcohol keeping you from losing those last 10 pounds? Look at the checklist below to help you keep your waistline in check.
Keep things in check, checklist
- Have fewer then 3 drinks a week
- Get out of the habit of drinking mid-week
- Don't get in the habit of splitting a bottle of wine with your spouse on a nightly basis
- Keep to drinks without added sugars. Think water or soda water
- Wine & dark beer do have health benefits
- Understand a serving size a large glass of wine is actually 2-3 drinks
- Watch what you eat when you indulge in a drink
Start with one or all of the steps above to keep yourself from gaining weight and in the end hopefully losing a few pounds as well.
In good health,
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