Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year, New You Challenge

New Year, New You what are your resolutions for the upcoming year?  Don't have any?  Well that is all right but try to think of a goal you want to accomplish this year.  Not necessarily a resolution just a dream goal such as starting a new business, losing 20 pounds by the end of the year, going on a vacation, creating a bucket list.  Think of it as a journey and not just as a resolution.

So what is something you would like to accomplish to create a new you over the course of the year?  Make a plan, write it down and make it happen.  If you don't write down what your goal is you have less than an 80% chance of achieving the goal.  So your plan doesn't have to be detailed just etch out a little something and try to stick to it.

Start your challenge today!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Measure Up!

Well it is almost the end of the year and most people will start the new year off with a fitness goal of sorts.  Well before the new year starts and before you set your goal, measure up.  How do you really know what your goal is if you haven't stepped on a scale in months, you haven't measured your waist or hips in years.  You think you know but really own up to your numbers have no shame.  This is where you are today, that is not where you will be in a few weeks if you really put your mind to it.  Here are some tips on what sites you should measure to get your goals started.

Take these vital signs from your body to set your fitness goals:
1. Weight
2. Measure chest
3. Measure waist
4. Measure hips
5. Measure both arms
6. Measure both thighs
7. If possible get your body fat tested

The above numbers should guide you in the direction of your new years fitness goal.  Stick your goal on your refrigerator, a mirror or on your dresser.  Place it somewhere you can see it everyday and hold yourself accountable.  I will share my goals with you as well to give you an idea of what your goal should look like.

My Personal Fitness Goal
I want to get to 155lbs which is losing about 6-7lbs for myself.  My main goal is to get my body fat percentage around 17-18%.  I am currently around 22%.  I would like to achieve both goals by June 1st, 2013.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

No time to workout this week? Try Tabata Training

What is tabata training you ask?  Is it like intervals while similar but it involves exercises and is not just limited to the treadmill or other cardio machines.

Tabata training is performing an exercise for 20 seconds as hard and as fast as you can.  Your heart rate should be very high well doing these exercises.  You than will get a 10 second rest and than repeat the exercise for 20 seconds and rest again for 10 seconds.  This is the pattern you will be doing during your tabata training.  Your workout will only last 4 minutes.  If your not tired by the end of the 4 minutes you need to push yourself even harder.

Below are some sample tabata exercises you can do in your own home.

*Note do not perform these exercises if you have a heart condition or were suggested  your doctor to not get your heart rate above a certain beat per minute while exercising.

Below workouts will be done 20 seconds and than rest 10 seconds before performing the same exercise one more time and than resting and move onto the 2nd exercises on the list.  So every exercise is performed twice before moving on.
Workout #1- recommended for beginners 
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Push-ups
3. Squats
4. Up/down planks

Workout #2- Intermediate to advanced 
1. Split Jumps
2. Donkey Kicks from side to side
3. Split Jumps with a reach to sky and touch the ground
4. Plank Jacks w/push-up

Workout #3- Intermediate to advanced
1. Butt kicks w/jumping jack arms
2. Squat Jumps
3. Burpees
4. Plyo-Jacks- (Jumping jack w/a jump off the ground)

Enjoy the holidays and get a quick 4 minute workout in to burn those calories!!
Check out for more workout ideas.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Plan ahead how to make those fitness goals a reality

How to plan ahead for the new year and finish 2012 strong.  First what are your fitness goals in the next week or two?  Write them down, put them on the fridge.  Maybe your goal is to not gain any weight.  Put a plan into action how are you going to accomplish that goal?  Avoid eating extra sweets, lets be honest a cookie now and again over the holidays is almost unavoidable and I don’t blame you.  Just don’t eat the whole batch.  Now that you are thinking about the upcoming weeks think ahead to the coming year.

2013 what are your fitness goals in the next year.  It doesn’t have to be a resolution of sorts but you should have an idea of where you want to go with your fitness levels.  Maybe over the next year you want to lose 50lbs, 10lbs or lose 20 inches, lose 10% body fat.  Think about what you want at the end of the year and work backwards from there.  If it is lose 50lbs plan that out how are you going to get there?  If you don’t know how maybe investing in a trainer to help you is a good idea.  If it is to do a fitness show of sorts sign up for one and start planning.  If at all you don’t know how to make your goals happen ask for help. There are good people out there who enjoy helping others achieve their goals.  So invest in yourself if you need to, everyone should invest a little in themselves after all.  

So map out that year what are your goals and how are you going to make that happen?  If you want more information about reaching your goals check out SaFire Training or get motivational tips at

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tips to avoid the buffet

The rows and rows of food on the tables doesn't it look absolutely divine! Well only if your looking to add inches to your waist. So what are some tricks at the buffet to avoid those unwanted pounds.  Below are some tips for how to steer clear to avoid the extra padding around your middle.

1. Remember most of the food has been sitting out all day long.  Some food maybe cold when it should only be eaten warm.  Avoid getting food poisoning and steer clear of the luke warm food.

2. Sometimes people don't use tongs so watch the people in front of you.  Now you won't be able to see people who went through the line long hours before you just play it safe and look for the freshly put out food.

3. Have a plan before you go to the buffet.  Know how many calories you are willing to eat and stick to that plan.

4.  Take a quick glimpse over all the food before putting food on your plate.  That way you will know exactly what you want to save room for.

5. Add protein to your plate and veggie based foods to fill you up with some good food.

6. Skip the dessert line or if you can't resist split a dessert with a friend and save on the calories.

7. Don't go back for seconds once your plate is full even though it is a buffet skip the extra go through that is where you can really pile on those calories.

8. Only one round of beverages.  What ever you drank hopefully water or milk, though if not skip the re-fills if you drank a pop only allow yourself that first drink.

Hopefully those tips will help save you from those unwanted pounds.  So if you can't avoid the buffet at least have that game plan going into the trip to the buffet.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Relaxation around the holidays

For most during the holidays things get stressful, more things to do, end of the year at work, holiday baking, shopping and parties.  So what can you do to slow down and enjoy your day to day activities.  Well have you tried a little yoga lately?

One of the great things you can do for yourself around this time of the year is spend time on yourself.  Get your workouts in and eat right so you feel good about yourself.  An even better workout is yoga which will definitely help ease the stress and help you stay limber to enjoy the holidays.  So hop into a yoga class of any sorts yin, hatha, slow burn.  Which ever works best for you and your fitness goals.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bust through your plateau!

How are you going to break through that plateau?  You have been stuck at the same weight and nothing is budging well this time of the year is difficult to break through but I'm here to let you in on some tips.  Below are 6 ideas to help you re-commit to that healthy lifestyle you have been living.

1. Make sure you are getting enough sleep 8-9 hours a night
2. Eat breakfast every morning within an hour of waking
3. Mix up your cardio- If you always do steady state try intervals if you always do intervals throw in a couple steady state workouts.  
4. Make sure you are switching up your lifting routine monthly.  If you have been doing that mix it up bi-weekly. 
5. Log your food for a week to see if there is a nutrition issue.
6. Make sure you have a rest day or even check out a yoga class on your rest day.

Try the above tips out and see if you can break through those last few pounds to tone up that body and reach your fitness goals! 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lifting Weights 101

All right ladies I know that walking into a weight room full of dudes can be overwhelming.  Even for ladies who know what their doing.  So here are some tips to make yourself a little more comfortable when you hit the gym up. 

  1. Have a plan- I always bring a hand written workout with me to the gym.  If you have a plan you will know what pieces of equipment you need next and can plan accordingly.  
  2. Realize some of those guys working out don't actually know what they are doing- Some of those guys don't actually know what they are doing and are just as intimated as you are.  
  3. Go in with confidence- Walk in with your head held high and shoulders back you will automatically feel more confident
  4. Choose free weights- check out for a video on sample exercises.
  5.  Find a workout buddy- Bring a friend who knows what they are doing.  
  6. Hire a trainer- Hire a trainer that will give you workout routines and than use those workout routines on your own so you feel comfortable lifting on your own. 
  7. Perform 8-10 exercises- Don't just go into the weight section of a gym and do 1 set of bicep curls and call it good.  Try to do 2-3 sets of the same exercise and perform 8-10 different exercises. 
  8. Use all body parts- Try and workout utilizing upper and lower body parts during your workouts. 
Those are just some tips use all or just a few to help keep you motivated and inspired to get in the gym. Remember for every pound of muscle you have you burn an additional 50 calories at rest.  So get lifting! 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Holiday Parties are here, how to prevent that weight gain!

Now that the holiday parties are about to begin how do you prevent that holiday weight gain?  Well there are many basic tips that one can follow.  I will share some of my top tips below. 

  1. Eat before you go to the holiday party- If you go to a party hungry you will consume more food, more drinks than you intended to.  So eat dinner before you go and the food might not look as appetizing as it would if you were starving. 
  2. Stick to 1 glass of alcoholic beverages of your choice- After one consumes to many alcoholic drinks you tend to want more to drink and eat.  So sticking to one and sipping on it all night is a better choice. 
  3. If you do drink more than 1 drink- If you do go beyond your 1 drink max. make sure you drink water before you have your next drink to stay hydrated. 
  4. Have a set time you want to leave the party at- If you and whomever you came with to the party both know what time you plan on leaving stick to that.  That way you know you will be getting a good nights rest.
  5. Indulge in smaller treats- Most people have trouble not eating anything at a party, myself included.  Stick to the smaller treats such as a smaller christmas cookie, mini candy cane, and bite sized treats.  Just stick to 1-2 or you may end up getting more calories than you bargained for.
  6. Get your workout in the day of and morning after- Make sure you get a good workout in the day of the event and the next morning to keep yourself motivated during this stressful time.
  7. Take your workouts outside- Try a free local ice skating park, skiing, or snowboarding for the day. 
  8. De-stress a bit and get into yoga- Yoga will help keep you centered and calm your mind and body down.  
Above are great tips to help keep you motivated and help you beat the holiday bulge. If you want more information check out for more information.