Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Measure Up!

Well it is almost the end of the year and most people will start the new year off with a fitness goal of sorts.  Well before the new year starts and before you set your goal, measure up.  How do you really know what your goal is if you haven't stepped on a scale in months, you haven't measured your waist or hips in years.  You think you know but really own up to your numbers have no shame.  This is where you are today, that is not where you will be in a few weeks if you really put your mind to it.  Here are some tips on what sites you should measure to get your goals started.

Take these vital signs from your body to set your fitness goals:
1. Weight
2. Measure chest
3. Measure waist
4. Measure hips
5. Measure both arms
6. Measure both thighs
7. If possible get your body fat tested

The above numbers should guide you in the direction of your new years fitness goal.  Stick your goal on your refrigerator, a mirror or on your dresser.  Place it somewhere you can see it everyday and hold yourself accountable.  I will share my goals with you as well to give you an idea of what your goal should look like.

My Personal Fitness Goal
I want to get to 155lbs which is losing about 6-7lbs for myself.  My main goal is to get my body fat percentage around 17-18%.  I am currently around 22%.  I would like to achieve both goals by June 1st, 2013.

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