Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tight, toned legs

Now that it is close to Summer time everyone is trying to quickly get in bikini shape.  Most people have one area in particular that they are working on toning up.  So today I will be going over  a leg workout for you to try.   Do this workout 2-3x a week.  Perform 10-12 reps.

  1. Lunge with Med. Ball or DB Twist: Perform a forward lunge making sure your knees don't go past your toes.  Than twist with the medicine ball over the bent leg. 
SaFire Training

       2. SB Hamstring Curls: Lying on ground with back on ground heels on top of a SB.  Slowly roll the SB in towards your glutes than release back to let heels rest while legs are straight on the ball. 

      3. Single Leg Split Squats:  Place one foot on top of a SB.  As you squat down towards ground with one leg kick back the leg that is on the ball.  Than slowly stand back up bringing ball in towards body. 

     4. Side to Side Squats:  Sitting down in a squat position staying in squat slowly step side to side.  One rep is going from left to right. 

     5. Reverse Lunge with Knee Drive:  Step back to form a 90 degree angle with back leg after you land drive knee in towards chest and release back towards ground.  Repeat all reps on right leg than switch to left side. 

   6. Plie Squats: Step your feet wider than shoulder width apart.  Slowly squat down so weight is in glutes and push up to sky with inside of feet to work inner thighs.  

By doing this workout 2-3 times a week 10-12 reps an exercise you should start to see your legs toning & tightening just in time for swimsuit season!   Write your comments below on how you like the workout!  Check out www.safiretraining.com for more information.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finding your passion for fitness

As the snow seems to drag on longer and longer in the Midwest it can be a tough time for those who enjoy outdoor workouts.  Sometimes your fitness mojo can be lacking due to the circumstances we cannot control such as the weather.  So today I am going to help you find your fitness passion!

Below are a few questions that will help you figure out what it is your fitness passion entails.   Most people know what they love to do but often lack time, money or the know how to do it.  Fitness should be something your passionate about and should love to do on a weekly basis if not daily.  For a lot of people they just haven't found their love for fitness yet.

1. Do you like the water?
- Try swimming, water aerobics, wake boarding

2. Do you like to relax and workout?
-Try restorative yoga, meditation, pilates, kundalini yoga, walking outdoors

3. Do you prefer to get your heart rate going?
-Intervals, Tabata training, Bootcamps, Circuit workouts, Spinning class, Running

4. Do you want to work on flexibility?
-Yoga-vinyassa, hot yoga, foam rolling, barre classes

5. Do you want to smile & laugh?
-Laughing yoga, zumba, dance classes

6. Do you want to increase strength?
-Lifting weights, hiring a trainer (if your not sure what to do), Strength training classes

Like all good workouts a good balance is key but if your just starting out and trying to find what it is your going to do on a weekly basis choose something you love.  It should be enjoyable for you that your looking forward to it on most days.

If you want more workout ideas check out www.safiretraining.com

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Playground workout

Well my intention was to create this blog and we would have wonderful weather and you could actually do this workout ASAP but Minnesota weather has a different thought process. So below is a great workout to do with your kids at the park or if you want a change of pace on your usual routine.  Check out this workout at the park. 

 1. Swing Squats: Holding onto swing above shoulders sit down like sitting in a chair and stand back up. 
 (See Picture)

2. Plank on Swings
Place feet on a swing and rest ankles or feet on top of swing.  Place hands on ground and hold body straight, arms, shoulders & wrists right on top of each other.

3. Dips on a a bench 
 Place feet straight out in front of body or a 90 degree bend to make it a little easier.  Hands should be placed on the bench behind the body.  Slowly lower body towards ground and lift body back up .  Repeat. Above picture depicts a slightly more challenging version with a straight leg in the air. 408748_641905065618_692388115_n


4. Single leg slide squats: Place one foot on a slide and drop down to form a 90 degree with both bent legs and slowly raise back up.  One foot staying on the slide straight behind the body the entire time.  Make sure the knee never goes past the toe. Do 10-12 reps each leg.  Repeat 2-3 times. 

5. Monkey Bars: Try crossing the monkey bars for a great upper body workout.  No trick to it just try and get across them once if that is easy down and back.  It is a killer upper body workout.  Repeat 2-3 times.

6. Running through the sand: Throw in a cardio twist by simply trying to run threw the sand from one side of the park to the other.  Do this a total of 1 minute to get the heart rate going. Repeat 2-3 times. 

This workout can last anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on how much time you have and what you want to work on while you mix up your workout! 

As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more information. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

How to fight that nasty belly fat

I hear it all the time how do I get rid of this, picture someone pinching their stomach.  Well most women have issues with belly fat as they get older.  Think about all the things a women's body goes through: our monthly friend, giving birth, menopause, hormonal overload and the overall need for our body to store fat in places we don't always want it too.  So how can we fight the battle against the belly fat.  Well as you round out every decade unfortunately your metabolism starts to slow.  With a slowing metabolism you need to eat less than you currently were or exercise more.  Unfortunately for most we don't realize that or act on it until you start to notice your svelte figure is getting rounder.  Not bad for some people but most don't enjoy the extra pounds.  Below are some tips for you to keep that figure it tip top shape.

1. Eat breakfast: This is the breaking of the fast meal.  You don't eat all evening and you wake up and run out the door without eating than go to work.  You start getting hungry and than eat the doughnuts in the break room.  Than say to yourself there goes my diet I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.  Thus forms the nasty habit.  Start a new habit and have a shake, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, flax seed waffle with peanut butter are all good examples.

2. Drink Green Tea: The benefits as of late have ben proven to help boost your metabolism thus burning more overall calories which helps reduce the belly fat.

3. Move more at work:  So many of us sit around work and don't move for a few hours or all day.  Take a walk around the office every 30 minutes to an hour just to stretch the legs and let the eyes get away from the computer screen.  A little movement through the day has proven to help with productivity in the office.

4. Drink enough water: Make sure you stay hydrated that helps you stay fuller longer as well as keeping you away from the sugary drinks.  If you don't like the taste of regular water add a crystal light packet with no extra sugar or calories to your water.  

5. Get in your cardio: Most people find a little cardio helps keep their tummy tight.  So trying to get in at least 2 cardio sessions a week whether that be a light job, power walk or full out run for others.  You know your body best and how it responds.  

6. Do some planks: Perform a plank on the forearms.  You can do these daily and hold between 20 seconds- 1 minute.  Add side planks in if you want to work the obliques as well. 

As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more training information. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Do one thing a day that scares you


I know everyone hears this saying quite a bit but how often do you actually put it into action?  Do you really do one thing a day that scares you?  Odds are probably not, myself included.  So I am a fan of starting small and building from there.  So this next week can you do one thing a day that scares you.  Make a list of things that you want to do but are just to scared to try.  Just list 7 things to start and put them on your calendar.  Make sure you schedule them into your day or most likely they won't get done.  We all know schedules fill up fast.
Below are some sample ideas on what you can do
  1.  Go sky diving
  2. Try a new workout class
  3. Find  your true passion
  4. Start the hobby you have been wanting to start for months
  5. Learn how to swim
  6. Learn how to scrapbook
  7. Try a new restaurant
  8. Try a cooking class
  9. Take a dance lesson
  10. Buy a lottery ticket
  11. Sign up for the 5K you have been eying
  12. Write a love letter
  13. Take boxing lessons
  14. Try yoga
  15. Tell your friends you appreciate them
As always if you enjoyed this blog check back every Tuesday for new content.  www.safiretraining.com