Now that it is close to Summer time everyone is trying to quickly get in bikini shape. Most people have one area in particular that they are working on toning up. So today I will be going over a leg workout for you to try. Do this workout 2-3x a week. Perform 10-12 reps.
- Lunge with Med. Ball or DB Twist: Perform a forward lunge making sure your knees don't go past your toes. Than twist with the medicine ball over the bent leg.
2. SB Hamstring Curls: Lying on ground with back on ground heels on top of a SB. Slowly roll the SB in towards your glutes than release back to let heels rest while legs are straight on the ball.
3. Single Leg Split Squats: Place one foot on top of a SB. As you squat down towards ground with one leg kick back the leg that is on the ball. Than slowly stand back up bringing ball in towards body.
4. Side to Side Squats: Sitting down in a squat position staying in squat slowly step side to side. One rep is going from left to right.
5. Reverse Lunge with Knee Drive: Step back to form a 90 degree angle with back leg after you land drive knee in towards chest and release back towards ground. Repeat all reps on right leg than switch to left side.
6. Plie Squats: Step your feet wider than shoulder width apart. Slowly squat down so weight is in glutes and push up to sky with inside of feet to work inner thighs.
By doing this workout 2-3 times a week 10-12 reps an exercise you should start to see your legs toning & tightening just in time for swimsuit season! Write your comments below on how you like the workout! Check out for more information.