Well my intention was to create this blog and we would have wonderful weather and you could actually do this workout ASAP but Minnesota weather has a different thought process. So below is a great workout to do with your kids at the park or if you want a change of pace on your usual routine. Check out this workout at the park.
1. Swing Squats: Holding onto swing above shoulders sit down like sitting in a chair and stand back up.
(See Picture)
2. Plank on Swings
Place feet on a swing and rest ankles or feet on top of swing. Place hands on ground and hold body straight, arms, shoulders & wrists right on top of each other.
3. Dips on a a bench
Place feet straight out in front of body or a 90 degree bend to make it a little easier. Hands should be placed on the bench behind the body. Slowly lower body towards ground and lift body back up . Repeat. Above picture depicts a slightly more challenging version with a straight leg in the air. 
4. Single leg slide squats: Place one foot on a slide and drop down to form a 90 degree with both bent legs and slowly raise back up. One foot staying on the slide straight behind the body the entire time. Make sure the knee never goes past the toe. Do 10-12 reps each leg. Repeat 2-3 times.
5. Monkey Bars: Try crossing the monkey bars for a great upper body workout. No trick to it just try and get across them once if that is easy down and back. It is a killer upper body workout. Repeat 2-3 times.
6. Running through the sand: Throw in a cardio twist by simply trying to run threw the sand from one side of the park to the other. Do this a total of 1 minute to get the heart rate going. Repeat 2-3 times.
This workout can last anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on how much time you have and what you want to work on while you mix up your workout!
As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more information.
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