Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Swimsuit Body Workout-No Equipment Needed!

Well if your looking to get that swimsuit body in time for Summer and you live in Minnesota you still have time! Below is a great workout for you to drop a few pounds, tone up and have fun doing it!  No equipment is needed for this workout.

*Perform this workout for 45 seconds of the exercise / 15 seconds rest if intermediate to advanced and if your a beginner 30/45 split.  Perform the below workout 1-3 times.

Round 1
1. Mountain Climbers
2. Push-ups
3. Squats
4. V-ups

Round 2
1. Burpees
2. Dips
3. Lunges
4. Crunches

Round 3
1. Bear Crawl
2. Triceps Push-ups
3. Single leg dead lifts
4. Plank

Round 4
1. Crab Walk
2. T-push-ups
3. Side Lunges
4. Side Planks

Before you know it your ready for a swimsuit!  Perform the above workout 2-3 times a week.  As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more fitness videos & workout tips!  If you want even more tips sign up for my newsletter: Fit Tips Newsletter

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Slammin 6 Pack

Everyone is looking to get a 6 pack right before summer or perfect the one they have (I am no different).  So below I have some of the tips I personally follow to get my 6 pack right before I hit the beach.  Below my tips I also have a great abs workout to do 2-3 times a week.


Tips for getting that flat stomach

  1. Watch your sugar intake- Sugar tends to be as addictive as some drugs the new studies have been showing.  Sugar tends to make you crave more food which will add to your waist line.  Processed foods tend to be the worst culprits for finding hidden sugars. 
  2. Watch sodium- Sodium makes people bloat which will expand your belly in which you are trying to slim down in time for swimsuit season.  
  3. Perform planks right away in the morning- Get your planks in right away in the morning.  Your transverse abdomins will stay nice and tight all day long. 
  4. Throw some intervals into your routine- Intervals help rid your belly of that excess fat.  Intervals can be done on the treadmill, elliptical, or bike.  Go at a fast pace for 1 minute, than a slower pace 1 minute.  If you want to mix it up even more try 30 or 15 second intervals.
  5. Drink 3-6 cups of green tea a day- Green tea has been shown to help rid the body of excess fat, helps reduce stress, weight loss, decrease risk of multiple diseases.  Most of the studies done were with 3-6 cups a day.  Just make sure your near a bathroom.
  6. Add an ab workout 1-2x a week- Your abdominal muscles are like any other muscle group and they do need to be trained.  They are worked when doing other exercises but throw in an ab routine or two a week to really get those muscles firing.  There is a great routine below to spice up your workouts. 
  7. Get your sleep 8-9 hours- Make sure you get your sleep.  The less sleep you get the more your metabolism is affected.  When your metabolism is  not working as strong as it should be the fewer calories you are burning.  Which leads to weight gain.  
  8. Try some yoga- Finally make sure you have something that you can relax doing.  Many people take up yoga, mediation, cooking, or just going for an afternoon walk.  Whatever you feel less stress doing make sure you add that into your calendar daily.  


Ab Workout

  • 2-3 sets
  • 10 reps 
  • Perform 1-2 times a week 
Equipment Needed:
  • Medicine Ball Or Dumbbell- Exercise 1, 4
  • Cables: Exercise 1 (optional) 
  • Stability Ball: Exercise 4, 5 
  1.  Woodchoppers (with cables if you have access)- Start at the right knee than move backwards up and over your left shoulder.  Repeat this for all reps than switch sides.   If you have access to cables in a gym you can try cables. 
  2. Rotating plank- Resting in a plank position, elbows on ground knees can be either off or on the ground.  Rotate over to your right shoulder holding a side plank, than roll over to the other side to hold a side plank on the opposite side.  Keep rotating back & forth between right & left forearms. 
  3. Inchworm to push-up- Start in a standing position, walk your hands down to a push-up position, perform a push-up than walk your hands back to your feet and roll back to a standing position. 
  4. Sit up cross body punch w/DB- Either on the floor or on a stability ball roll up and punch with a DB across your body.  Than roll back down and crunch up and punch across the other side of the body.  
  5. SB- Knee tucks w/twist- Your hands in a high plank, tops of feet resting on a stability ball, drive knees into chest than release the ball back out towards feet.  Next time you pull the ball in pull to the side of the body at an angle working the obliques.  Kick the ball back out and pull into the other side working the opposite oblique.  Repeat this pattern between the middle & oblique muscles. 
  6. Double Crunches- Lying on your back.  Crunch up once at the bra line than as high as you can go than relax down to bra line, than down to ground.  Repeat that pattern when performing the double crunch. 
  7. Plank w/glute lifts- In a forearm plank raise right leg up to the sky for 10 reps than switch to the left leg and pulse leg up to the sky. 
  8. Side Plank- w/hip dip to crunch- Placing your forearm on the ground and either on your toes or knees, lift hip off the ground.  Once the hip is in the air dip your hip to the ground than place hand behind the head and crunch over towards the ground.  Repeat between a hip dip to a crunch.  Perform all 10 reps on one side than switch to opposite side. 

As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more fitness information and free video workouts and to sign-up for my free bi-weekly newsletter filled with even more great fitness information! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Beach Body in No Time

Beach Body Training 
Are you looking to get a beach body in time for Summer?  Yes, you still have time if your goal is to do a tone up and lose a few lbs before you put on you swimsuit.  Below are some tips for you to follow and a great beach body workout.

Beach Body Training Tips

  1. Write down your calories- If you want to truly be accountable for what you are eating start tracking your food intake.  I know this can seem like a pain but studies have shown you are 80% more likely to lose weight if your tracking your food.  
  2. Avoid excess sugar- Make sure you are not going over in your daily sugar intake.  This is key if your trying to get your body ready for that swimsuit.  Track where your  sugars are coming from.  Is it fruit or the sugary beverage you drank at 3pm?   
  3. Drink green tea- Green tea has shown to help decrease belly fat.  So drink up and enjoy a cup or 3 a day to help keep your middle tightened. 
  4. Perform intervals- Hit the trails up and incorporate some intervals.  Instead of going for a steady state walk, jog or run.  Mix up your pace going 1 minute at a moderate pace the next minute go as fast as you can.  Perform those interval rounds for a total of 20-30 minutes.  Intervals help you burn calories long after the workout is over. 
  5. Get enough sleep- Sleeping is vital for getting the body you want.  If your constantly craving unhealthy foods, always tired, can't work out because your exhausted. Chances are you need to get some more sleep.  Aim for 7-8 hours a night to keep your body and mind running smoothly throughout your day. 
  6. Strength train 2-3x a week- Ladies strength training helps you tighten and tone the body.  Do not shy away from the weights.  Having definition throughout your body is the new "hip" thing to be doing.  Out is the super skinny figure, in is the curvy well muscled bodies.  So get that triceps muscle showing, highlight that 6 pack, and enjoy the nice quad sweep.  Plus for every pound of muscle you burn an additional 50 calories. 
  7. Work those abs- Last but not least, most females are looking to tone up their mid-section when it comes to swimsuit season.  I have some great videos on my website with ab routines as well as my 3 prong abs method.  If you want more information or to receive the 6 prong abs method click the link at righthttp://eepurl.com/wk5h5 

Beach Body Workout

  • This workout is geared to work the entire body.  
  • This workout is for intermediate to advanced exercisers 
  • Perform it 2-3 times a week on non-consecutive days.  
  • Repeat 2-3 times and 10 reps all the exercises.  

  1. Curtsey lunges with bicep curls- Step right leg behind left as if your performing a curtsey at the same time bring wrists facing the sky to perform a bicep curl. 
  2. Dips with a toe reach- Hands behind you with your legs either bent at 90 degrees a little easier or legs straight a little tougher.  Drop butt towards ground and than lift your butt in the air.  Balance left hand on bench reach right arm towards left foot.  Slowly lower down. (If your a beginner just perform the dips)
  3. Plie squats with lateral raises- Place feet out wider than shoulder width and squat down slowly raise arms up to shoulder height to perform a lateral raise.  As you stand release arms back down to sides. 
  4. Chest Press to skull crusher- Resting back on the ground or a bench, drop arms to form a field goal to the outsides of the chest.  Press weights up to meet above the chest than flip wrists so the insides of your wrists are facing each other.  Drop weights down to ears and slowly raise back up.  
  5. Deadlift to a row- Keep db in front of shins slowly lower weights down towards ground as you are standing up perform a row when you are almost standing straight up.  Than raise all the way up to  a standing position.  
  6. Walking lunge with a DB twist- Perform a lunge 90 degrees in the front & in the back.  Take the lunge to a walking lunge at the same time you lunge forwards twist your db over your bent leg.  Than walk other leg forwards & twist to the opposite direction.  
  7. Reverse lunge with a shoulder press- Take a step backwards to perform a reverse lunge 90 degree leg bend.  While holding that 90 degrees press your DB overhead in a shoulder press and slowly lower back down.  Repeat on opposite leg.  (Perform 12 shoulder press, not lunges in this exercise) 
  8. Hip Thrusts feet elevated- Place feet on a bench and put a weight on your hip bones.  Thrust hips up to sky than slowly lower back down.  Keep repeating that sequence working on using your glutes to lift & lower your body. 
  9. Planks- Perform a plank on your forearms & knees raised or touching ground and hold squeezing glutes for 30 seconds. 
  10. Side Plank- Perform 10 hip dips in the side plank.  Either on knees or toes. 
  11. Lemon Squeezers- Lying on back squeeze upper & lower body together than release right before you touch the ground raise back up.  Keep repeating. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tips to help you run a 5k

So your thinking about participating in a 5k for the first time or maybe first time in quite a few years? Your thinking to yourself can I do this? Am I good enough? Will I be the slowest person out there? Well first of yes you can do this and yes you are good enough plus who cares if you are not first.  If this is on your bucket list go for it. 5k's are full of people who train for the event, some just got roped into by their significant others, some decided the day of the race "yeah let's do this!" So if you want to train a little below is a 5k training tips and tools you will need to run your first 5k or if you want a refresher course on training for a 5k. Remember a 5k is 3.1 miles so you can do it!

Follow these tips and you will be participating in a 5K in no time!  Notice I didn't say running.  Plenty of people walk 5k's, run and walk 5k's while others strictly run.  There is no shame in whatever method you choose!

  1. Sign-up for a race- This is the very first thing you should do before you even start training.  Pick a date and stick to it, that way you know exactly how many weeks you have before your race.  
  2. Check out your footwear- As you can see in the picture above barefoot running is all the rage.  I am not suggesting for you to get toe shoes, or even try barefoot running.  (Personally I wouldn't actually run in these shoes for a 5K)  You might so check out your options and practice running in the shoes you are wearing on the race day.  You don't want to try a new pair of shoes the week before the race.  Plan ahead. 
  3. Find a running group or partner- If you know you won't train by yourself find someone to train with.  Plus training with a friend is always more fun.  If that is not an option find a local group in your community.  www.meetup.com has a variety of groups if you don't find one in your area you can always start one!
  4. Schedule your training- If you fail to put it on your calendar its not real.  Most people say they are going to work out but than feel to tired after work and hit up happy hour instead.  Make sure you put it on your calendar and tell yourself this is non-negotiable it is scheduled and you need to stick with it.  Otherwise the training date will come and go and you will not feel "ready."
  5. Make sure you rest- Don't train every single day.  Make sure when you are planning out your week you do schedule rest days into your calendar.  If your not currently working out try and start with 3-4 days a week of training.  If your intermediate to advanced in your workouts you can schedule 5-6 days a week.  Rest days are key so you don't burn yourself out right before the race.  
  6. Train using intervals- Practice running or walking for 1 minute as fast as you can than slow your pace for 1 minute either walking or a slow jog depending on your fast pace.  Repeat that pattern for a total of 10 minutes if your just starting your fitness 5k journey.  Than every week try and add an additional 5 minutes.  If your already at an intermediate to advanced level start at 20-30 minutes.  If your at an advanced level and running you most likely will be running the 3.1 miles under 30 minutes anyways.  Intervals help you increase your speed and for those just starting out feel free to run intervals during your 5k race.  
  7. Practice your race pace 1x a week- The 3-4 weeks leading up to your race practice your race pace at least once a week.  If your goal is to jog or run the entire race you need to practice that pace.  If you have a time goal you want to meet you need to practice meeting it.  Make sure you combine this into your weekly training schedule at least a month before the race.
  8. Race Day-  Arrive early to the race at the suggested time, the check-in booth is typically busy with people.  Than try and calm yourself down right before the race take a mini walk around the area to warm-up your body, use the bathroom if necessary and smile.  Next when runners are lining up to run if your at the intermediate to advanced pace you will want to position yourself towards the front or front middle of the pack.  If this is your first 5k and you know your goal is to walk and run a little position yourself towards the rear of the pack so you don't start at someone else's pace.  If your going to walk the race they usually will start you a little behind the runners/joggers.  
  9. Race Complete- Once you have completed the race grab some water, walk around a little so the muscles don't cramp.  Smile and be proud of all you have accomplished even if it's your 20th 5k it is still something to be proud of. 

As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more fitness information or to sign-up for my bi-weekly blog click the link below: