I just got back from a 10 day vacation and I feel so relaxed and rejuvenated. While on vacation I still need to get my personal workouts scheduled. Anyone who knows me knows if I go over 2 days without working I get really crabby. I planned out my workouts with equipment that is highly portable did a little research on the area we were vacationing at and got to work. Below are some tips for training while on vacation.
Vacation Tips
- Know the area your vacationing at: are there local gyms that will allow you to workout there for a week, does your hotel have a gym you can use, are there any gyms you can pay a $10 drop-in rate for attending the day.
- Bring portable equipment: Dumbbells are not the most portable equipment especially if you need more than one size. Bands, TRX's (shown in the above picture) and using your own body weight are your best bet when your on vacation.
- Research if there any walking/running trails nearby.
- Research if you can rent a bike for an afternoon or two.
- Record what days you plan on working out while on vacation.
- Bring your swimsuit. If there is a nearby pool, ocean or lake go for a swim.
Here is an example of my own vacation workout:
Monday & Friday
TRX workout
- Chest Press
- Rows
- Jump Squats
- IYT's
- Reverse lunges with a jump
- Bicep Curls
- Triceps Extension
- Hamstring curls
- Abduction/adduction
- TRX crunches
- TRX obliques
- Lunge w/rotation
Tuesday & Thursday
*Interval running 3 miles
*Local kettlebell class taught by my cousin!
I took the weekends off. All my workouts were done in 40 minutes. I got up early to workout so it didn't interfere with our vacation plans wouldn't get replaced with another vacation activity at the end of the day.
The main objective when your working out on vacation is to plan the workouts into your day. You might not workout as intensely as you do when your not on vacation but the main thing is your moving and being active. People tend to let the clean eating slide well on vacation so getting in an extra workout will help avoid excess pounds while on your trip. If you only squeeze in 2-3 workouts while on vacation congratulate yourself for a job well done. I know people start getting their vacation mode on a few days into the trip. If you workout even once it will at least give you a boost of energy to help get you through the rest of your vacation.
Don't be afraid of gaining weight on vacation if you balance your eating out with a few good workouts you the weight you do gain should come off fairly quick when back from vacation. Just remember when your back from vacation to not skip that Monday morning gym session even though your tired. The faster you can get back into your routine the better off you will be!
As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more information and sign-up for our newsletter from the link below. http://eepurl.com/zMTrT
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