We have been trained over the last few years that cardio is king if we want to lose weight and reduce fat. The last few years we have really been looking at this in the fitness industry and realized this is not the truth. The majority of people do not like working out and when they think of working out they think of logging miles and miles on the treadmill, elliptical or bike. We have now found the benefits of HITT training in the last decade or so. For those of you who don't know what HITT training is it is a interval training technique in which you will run/walk at an intense pace for an allotted time and then will take your pace to a slower more leisure pace. You will do this for a total of 30-40 minutes typically. With the new research of the benefits of HITT training we also have 4 minute tabata training. Which is a more intense method of high intensity interval training.
With all the benefits of interval training vs. steady state the clear winner as of late is interval training. Even those who train for marathons and triathlons take advantage of interval training. Professional athletes do interval training in their respected sport. When given an interval workout most people find it more enjoyable, yes harder but they are not as bored doing the workout. They are constantly changing their speeds and or incline levels which makes one focus more on the task at hand. The treadmill is not the only place you can perform HITT training lifting weights is also a strategy used by most trainers.
When doing cardio you can utilize HITT training not only on the basic treadmill but also in the weight room. There is a huge trend right now on weight training as your cardio. That might sound a little odd to some but this is very popular amongst most trainers. I will let you in on a little secret most trainers hate doing cardio. I personally do 1-2 cardio days a week (usually one) and lift intensely the other days to really keep my heart rate up. The best way to get cardio benefits when lifting weights are taking minimal breaks in between sets. You can do this with both lifting exercises and body weight activities. CrossFit has been using this method to build cardio stamina and are seeing results.
Read on if you want free cardio workouts you can do to ramp up your cardio without logging 6 miles on the treadmill at the same pace the entire hour your on there.
Cardio Workouts
1. Interval Training on the treadmill:
5 Minute warm-up (walking or slow jog pace)
2 Minute Fast Jog Pace - 4.5-6.5 mph (depending on your level of fitness)
1 Minute Run Pace- 6-9 mph (depending on your level of fitness)
30 Sec. Spring- 7-12 mph (depending on your level of fitness)
1-2 Minute Recover pace
**Repeat the above workout starting from the fast jog pace 4-6 times depending on how long you have to workout for.
2. Hill Training on the treadmill:
5 Minute warm-up pace (walk or slow jog) Incline at 2%
2 Minutes- Incline at 3% - Fast Jog Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 5%- Slow Jog Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 7%- Run
2 Minutes- Incline at 9%- Walk Pace
2 Minutes- Incline at 11%- Slow Jog
2 Minutes- Incline at 9%- Walk Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 7% Run
1 Minute- Incline at 5%- Slow Jog Pace
2 Minutes- Incline at 3%- Fast Jog Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 1%- Sprint
*Repeat 2x from start (Minus the warm-up) for a 30 minute workout
3. Lifting Cardio Workout
Circuit 1
- Goblet Squats 3 x 10
- Jump Squats 3 x 15
Circuit 2
- Pushups 3 x 10
- Up/Down Planks 3 x 10
Circuit 3
- Walking Lunges w/shoulder Press 3 x 10
- Split Jump Lunges 3 x 10
Circuit 4
- Curtsey Lunges w/bicep curls 3 x 10
- Side lunge to single leg jump 3 x 10
5 Minute Finisher
Perform as many times as you can in 5 minutes below exercises
- Burpees - 10 reps
- Skater Lunges- 10 reps (each side)
- Lateral Mountain Climbers- 15 reps
- Ski Jumps- 20 reps
4. Tabata Workout
You will perform 20 seconds of an exercise then rest 10 seconds & repeat each exercise 4 times.
- Air Jacks (You perform a jumping jack as you jump into the air then land & jump back up to another jumping jack) Modifications: Regular jumping jack Low Impact: Jumping jack arms as you step your foot out to side, alt. sides
- Mountain Climbers
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