Sunday, March 30, 2014

Steady state cardio is dead

We have been trained over the last few years that cardio is king if we want to lose weight and reduce fat.  The last few years we have really been looking at this in the fitness industry and realized this is not the truth. The majority of people do not like working out and when they think of working out they think of logging miles and miles on the treadmill, elliptical or bike.  We have now found the benefits of HITT training in the last decade or so.  For those of you who don't know what HITT training is it is a interval training technique in which you will run/walk at an intense pace for an allotted time and then will take your pace to a slower more leisure pace.  You will do this for a total of 30-40 minutes typically.  With the new research of the benefits of HITT training we also have 4 minute tabata training.  Which is a more intense method of high intensity interval training.
With all the benefits of interval training vs. steady state the clear winner as of late is interval training.  Even those who train for marathons and triathlons take advantage of interval training.  Professional athletes do interval training in their respected sport.  When given an interval workout most people find it more enjoyable, yes harder but they are not as bored doing the workout.  They are constantly changing their speeds and or incline levels which makes one focus more on the task at hand.  The treadmill is not the only place you can perform HITT training lifting weights is also a strategy used by most trainers.
When doing cardio you can utilize HITT training not only on the basic treadmill but also in the weight room.  There is a huge trend right now on weight training as your cardio.  That might sound a little odd to some but this is very popular amongst most trainers.  I will let you in on a little secret most trainers hate doing cardio.  I personally do 1-2 cardio days a week (usually one) and lift intensely the other days to really keep my heart rate up.  The best way to get cardio benefits when lifting weights are taking minimal breaks in between sets.  You can do this with both lifting exercises and body weight activities.  CrossFit has been using this method to build cardio stamina and are seeing results.
Read on if you want free cardio workouts you can do to ramp up your cardio without logging 6 miles on the treadmill at the same pace the entire hour your on there.

steady state cardio

Cardio Workouts

1. Interval Training on the treadmill: 
5 Minute warm-up (walking or slow jog pace)
2 Minute Fast Jog Pace - 4.5-6.5 mph (depending on your level of fitness)
1 Minute Run Pace- 6-9 mph (depending on your level of fitness)
30 Sec. Spring- 7-12 mph (depending on your level of fitness)
1-2 Minute Recover pace
**Repeat the above workout starting from the fast jog pace 4-6 times depending on how long you have to workout for.
2. Hill Training on the treadmill: 
5 Minute warm-up pace (walk or slow jog) Incline at 2%
2 Minutes- Incline at 3% - Fast Jog Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 5%- Slow Jog Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 7%- Run
2 Minutes- Incline at 9%- Walk Pace
2 Minutes- Incline at 11%- Slow Jog
2 Minutes- Incline at 9%- Walk Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 7% Run
1 Minute- Incline at 5%- Slow Jog Pace
2 Minutes- Incline at 3%- Fast Jog Pace
1 Minute- Incline at 1%- Sprint
*Repeat 2x from start (Minus the warm-up) for a 30 minute workout

3. Lifting Cardio Workout
Circuit 1
  1. Goblet Squats 3 x 10
  2. Jump Squats 3 x 15
Circuit 2
  1. Pushups 3 x 10
  2. Up/Down Planks 3 x 10
Circuit 3
  1. Walking Lunges w/shoulder Press 3 x 10
  2. Split Jump Lunges 3 x 10
Circuit 4
  1. Curtsey Lunges w/bicep curls 3 x 10
  2. Side lunge to single leg jump 3 x 10
5 Minute Finisher 
Perform as many times as you can in 5 minutes below exercises
  • Burpees - 10 reps
  • Skater Lunges- 10 reps (each side)
  • Lateral Mountain Climbers- 15 reps
  • Ski Jumps- 20 reps
4. Tabata Workout 
You will perform 20 seconds of an exercise then rest 10 seconds & repeat each exercise 4 times.
  • Air Jacks (You perform a jumping jack as you jump into the air then land & jump back up to another jumping jack)  Modifications: Regular jumping jack   Low Impact: Jumping jack arms as you step your foot out to side, alt. sides
  • Mountain Climbers 
If you enjoyed the above workouts share this with your friends.  If you want even more fitness tips & workout ideas signup for our bi-weekly newsletter below! 

In good health,
SaFire Training

Friday, March 21, 2014

5 ways to get back in shape

It happens from time to time to all of us we get out of shape.  Okay maybe not all of us, but if you find yourself feeling a little sluggish these tips are for you.  It has been a rough long winter which makes it tough to go outside right now for the majority of the country.  So if you find yourself on the couch on a Friday night looking down and not loving what you see here are 5 easy steps to help you start back into your journey into a fitness lifestyle.

Don't let the number get you down
  1. Start Small: Set a reasonable goal.  Such as moving 10 minutes every day this week.  Don't set out to workout for 1 hour 6 days this week.  That is just no reasonable if you haven't been working out.  You will get burnt out in week one and not want to do anything going into week 2.  Plus if you miss one of your workouts you will most likely get frustrated with yourself and call it quits before you even gave yourself a chance. 
  2. Switch up your diet:  If you are eating a candy bar every night that is the first switch you can make.  Start with one area in your diet.  If sweets are not your vice maybe it is changing from 1% milk to skim milk, sugar laden coffee to tea, or chips to veggies.  
  3. Move with a friend or partner: Make a play date with a close friend to try a new yoga class together, or barre class.  Maybe you and your spouse want to work out together, google gym workouts with your spouse and you will see lots of fun workouts to help break you out of a slump.  Having someone who you have a set date with at the gym will make you less likely to skip your workout session.
  4. Workout while watching tv: I was initially going to write workout while watching commercials but with netflix, and tivo, lets be honest we don't watch commercials anymore.  So while watching a           ho-hum show start moving- a few pushups here, squats there, holding a plank, then maybe finishing with some lunges.  Do that for 5 minutes at a time throughout the 60 minute show and you will have a nice little workout completed.
  5. Buy a fitness magazine:  There is nothing like a little inspiration.  If you look through the aisles at a local grocery store you will see a ton of fitness magazines as you're checking out.  Next time grab one that looks appealing and dig in.  If you don't know what workout to do or where to start Women's Health, Health, or Shape have some great beginner workouts.  Oxygen & Strong magazines are for the intermediate to advanced fitness levels.  So that is a great place for you to start when looking to motivate yourself. 
Let me know what tips are your favorite to help you get back in shape or if you have other tips that you would recommend, comment below.  As always if you want more fitness inspiration sign-up for our bi-weekly newsletter below.

In good health,

Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to recharge your fitness goals for spring

This winter has been long for most of the country.  With a long winter comes resolutions going kaput and peoples bodies not being as strong or tight as they would have wanted.  With spring in the air comes shorts season, tank tops and dresses.  Spring break is also right around the corner if not already happened for people and swimsuits are usually inevitable.  So if you need to revamp and recharge below are wonderful tips to get you on the right track.  Remember there are no quick fixes but you can get yourself on the right track for summer.

Recharging for springtime

1. Start planning for summer: What do you want this summer?  Is it tight abs, toned legs, or maybe a new routine outside.  Try and figure out exactly what you want out of your workouts this summer.  Yes it might seem early but the earlier you plan the better prepared you will be to reach your goals. 
2. What do you want to accomplish: Now that you have decided what you want for summer, what do you want to accomplish?  Do you want to try swimming lessons, take a vacation to a yoga retreat, run a half marathon?  All of those things should be planned ahead of time.  So mark those dates on your calendar so you will be able to organize your goals around those dates.  You will want to invest or create the right program to make those goals happen.  
3. What haven't you tried: Is there something on your bucket list that you didn't get to over the winter.  Did you want to try a yoga class but didn't get the chance, what about a dance class, or pilates?  Make a list of 5 classes, new workouts, or fitness trends you want to try this spring.  I am a huge fan of scheduling things so make sure you put it in your calendar so you know you won't miss it.
4. Take yourself outside: With the outdoors starting to warm up taking yourself outside will help rejuvenate yourself and help you reach your fitness goals.  Take your run outside, not a runner then hit up the walking trails.  Maybe you just want to play a game of golf, or tennis instead.  Do something to get a little fresh air and natural light, that always puts people in a good mood.    
5. Sign-up for an event: There is nothing to help you get back into the routine of things then to start training for something.  It can be a 5k, 10k, triathlon, swimming event, tennis or golf tournament, or any other sporting event that will motivate you to keep up with your fitness routine.
Those are just some tips to help you jump back into your fitness goals.  This time of the year gets tough for many people to stick with their routine so trying something different, or setting new goals will help you reach your fitness goals for the upcoming season.  If you're looking to receive even more fitness inspiration and tips sign-up for our newsletter below.

In good health,

Sunday, March 9, 2014

4 Fitness Moves you need to try

Fitness is full of trends and new must try workouts & gadgets that will make you in excellent shape.  So what am I going to tell you about that is so radically new or improved, well nothing.  I'm just going to shed light on some moves you might have forgotten about or didn't realize would benefit you as much as they could.
Don't let the number get you down
Don't let the number on the scale get you down
  1. Body Weight Workouts- People think that the only way you are going to get results is by going to a gym with a ton of equipment.  That is really not the case.  I have trained various women from the comforts of their own home and have seen amazing results.  So don't use the lack of money for a gym as an excuse.  Below is a great living room workout you can do from the comfort of your own home.
Living room workout

2. Plank- This is one of my favorite moves that you can do anywhere.  It is great for those who are in         excellent shape or those just starting out.  You can hold it anywhere from 20 seconds- 1 minute.  This move is wonderful to do right away in the morning to keep your abs in nice and tight if that is not in your morning routine it will work anytime throughout the day.
3. Tabata Training- Tabata training is all about burning those calories after the fact.  Tabata was found to be effective at increasing ones cardio respiratory system just as much as running 6 miles daily.  The great part about tabata is it is only 4 minutes long.  The work part is 20 seconds and the rest part is 10  seconds.  You will repeat either 1-4 moves depending on how difficult you would like the workout to be.  Below are some great tabata workouts you can give a try this week!
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Pushups
3. Squat Jumps
4. Mountain Climbers
4. Interval Workouts- When working out you need to change up your pace.  You will start slow & then go fast, or slowly build speed up from a slower pace, then medium, to a full out sprint.  When doing an interval workout you can do this via cardio, or weight lifting.  As far as intervals go you can range them from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.  Depending on how hard you want to push yourself you can vary how long you run for or do the lifting routine for.  Just make sure you get your rest into your routine.  Rest is typically 30 sec.-1 minute.   Below are interval times you can choose to use in your workout routine.
Work   /  Rest
3 Minutes /  1 Minute
2 Minute/ 30 Seconds
1 Minute / 20-30 Seconds
30 Seconds / 10-15 Seconds
Try these workouts out today and let me know how you enjoyed them.  If you want even more free content sign-up for our newsletter below.


In good health,

Monday, March 3, 2014

The fitness trick you need to know

Most people go to the gym on average 3 times a week.  Which is awesome and should be celebrated no matter how many times you make it to the gym.  One fitness trick that many women are missing is not letting one bad day turn into a week, then a month, and before you know it an entire year.  We are too tough on ourselves.  As women we tend to put others needs before our own.  So we are having a bad day don't let the bad day turn into to a week, or a month.  We tend to over schedule ourselves and our own health goes out the window.  We need to take our life by the horns and attack, so to speak.  Below are ways for you to ease up your reins and not beat yourself up for every little "mistake" you make.  As well as how to avoid making one "mistake" turn into twenty.  This fitness trick is really more mental then physical but what is the first thing that talks you out of going to the gym, usually the mental component to working out.  

the fitness trick you need to know

Tips on easing up the reins:

  1. Celebrate you more often: I know this  may seem silly at times and you might say I don't have time to celebrate.  My response make time.  People make all these goals and as soon as they hit them they say all righty lets move onto the next.  This is something I'm personally guilty of doing myself.  You really do need to take the time and celebrate what you've accomplished from the journey you were just on.  To celebrate you don't have to do something crazy try taking a bubble bath, buying a new pair of workout shoes, dancing in your living room, going out to lunch, meeting up with a friend.
  2. Don't get discouraged by what you don't complete: This is another lesson I've had to learn sometimes you don't get through everything you wanted to and that's okay.  There is always tomorrow.  Keep creating your to do lists but make them achievable.  We sometimes load our plates with so many to dos we don't get anything done.  Start by making your list smaller 3-5 goals each day you want to accomplish.  Check them off when completed and do a happy dance.  If you don't get to something put that in your high priority list for the next.
  3. Make sure you don't push off things you need each day:  For example, I need sleep at least 7.5 hours a night I won't compromise on this.  I need to workout or be active daily.  This is non-negotiable for me.  I need to read daily this is part of my bedtime ritual.  I need to write in my gratitude journal daily, this is how I end each day.  So figure out your non-negotiable and don't let life interfere with them.  This is what makes up who you are, what you believe is important in your life, and helps you keep your sanity.  Create your list of what you need each day and make them daily habits.
  4. Remember your priorities: Ask yourself what do you value?  Is it family, friends, alone time, watching tv, your career, your spouse, your dog, your health, your faith, your community?  I would rank the top 5 things you value and look at how your day is currently being spent.  Are you achieving success in your top 5 values?  If the answer is no what areas can you change to make those priorities become number one in your life?  By looking deep within yourself you will start to see what matters to you and start making a change to put your top priorities first.  Not only will this make you happier it will also help motivate you in other areas of your life.
As always check out SaFire Training for more fitness tips, nutrition information, and motivation.  If you haven't already sign-up for our bi-weekly newsletters in which you will receive even more exclusive fitness tips plus if you sign-up below you will receive our 6 free fitness reports.
In good health,
SaFire Training