Sunday, March 16, 2014

How to recharge your fitness goals for spring

This winter has been long for most of the country.  With a long winter comes resolutions going kaput and peoples bodies not being as strong or tight as they would have wanted.  With spring in the air comes shorts season, tank tops and dresses.  Spring break is also right around the corner if not already happened for people and swimsuits are usually inevitable.  So if you need to revamp and recharge below are wonderful tips to get you on the right track.  Remember there are no quick fixes but you can get yourself on the right track for summer.

Recharging for springtime

1. Start planning for summer: What do you want this summer?  Is it tight abs, toned legs, or maybe a new routine outside.  Try and figure out exactly what you want out of your workouts this summer.  Yes it might seem early but the earlier you plan the better prepared you will be to reach your goals. 
2. What do you want to accomplish: Now that you have decided what you want for summer, what do you want to accomplish?  Do you want to try swimming lessons, take a vacation to a yoga retreat, run a half marathon?  All of those things should be planned ahead of time.  So mark those dates on your calendar so you will be able to organize your goals around those dates.  You will want to invest or create the right program to make those goals happen.  
3. What haven't you tried: Is there something on your bucket list that you didn't get to over the winter.  Did you want to try a yoga class but didn't get the chance, what about a dance class, or pilates?  Make a list of 5 classes, new workouts, or fitness trends you want to try this spring.  I am a huge fan of scheduling things so make sure you put it in your calendar so you know you won't miss it.
4. Take yourself outside: With the outdoors starting to warm up taking yourself outside will help rejuvenate yourself and help you reach your fitness goals.  Take your run outside, not a runner then hit up the walking trails.  Maybe you just want to play a game of golf, or tennis instead.  Do something to get a little fresh air and natural light, that always puts people in a good mood.    
5. Sign-up for an event: There is nothing to help you get back into the routine of things then to start training for something.  It can be a 5k, 10k, triathlon, swimming event, tennis or golf tournament, or any other sporting event that will motivate you to keep up with your fitness routine.
Those are just some tips to help you jump back into your fitness goals.  This time of the year gets tough for many people to stick with their routine so trying something different, or setting new goals will help you reach your fitness goals for the upcoming season.  If you're looking to receive even more fitness inspiration and tips sign-up for our newsletter below.

In good health,

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