Motivation can make or break your fitness goals. Everyday we make choices some are easy, some are difficult. Some will make a huge impact on our lives others won’t make quite as much of a difference. What it all comes down to is the decisions soon will form our habits. Think about it how many times do you get home from work and think what should I have for dinner tonight? Well if you say I don’t have anything at home I guess I will have to swing by the fast food restaurant again to pick up dinner. If this is happening night after night you’re forming a new habit and not a healthy one at that. I want to challenge you to think about these habits & decisions you’re making and how they are impacting your life. Below are 3 key areas I want you to pay attention to this week and notice how by becoming more present in your decision making practice can really alter your health.

3 key areas that can alter your health
1. What time should I go to bed tonight- Everyday we make this decision when should I go to bed? Some people listen to their bodies and go to sleep when they are tired, others try and stay up just one more hour to watch that late night tv show that they could’ve taped and watched at a later date. Sleep will make or break your health. Think about the last time you were tired and you had the choice at lunch to eat the salad or get the burger & fries, you probably went with the burger. Then later in the day as you were driving home you drove right past the gym because you mentally couldn’t get yourself to workout. My challenge to you is to get to bed 30 minutes earlier then you normally do this week, and let me know how you felt the next day.
2. Should I get the fries or the veggies- The next decision we all make everyday is what to eat. We are bombarded with food choices daily. If you work at a large office people bring in birthday cake weekly that you most try and resist, then you go out to lunch and your co-workers say another salad this one time get the juicy steak. Then you go home and your kids want mac and cheese so you decide what the heck I will indulge just this once. Forgetting that you have indulged all day long. Now over the course of time those little decisions add up to inches on your waistline. If you give into the pushy co-workers, or the friend who just has to have the dessert but can’t eat it by herself you will start to form habits. These are not the food habits you want to form. My challenge to you this week with nutrition is to stick up for your healthy ways and don’t give into the temptations when you truly are not craving those items.
3. I don’t really feel like going to the gym today- The last key area that affects your health is working out. To many times I hear people saying I was just to tired, to busy, or didn’t feel like working out today. Again if you start telling yourself it is okay to skip your workout you will accept that and now it is no longer a priority in your life. If you have to skip a workout make it up. You should have your workouts planned for the week and if you need to switch your rest day from a Tuesday to the Friday do so but just don’t let yourself off the hook by skipping gym appointments. My Challenge to you this week with your fitness is not to skip the gym. Make it a mandatory appointment that cannot be missed.
If you start to make those 3 changes in your life you will notice habits starting to form. The more you notice how little decisions soon add up to bigger life changes the more motivated you will be to make good choices. Now get out there are share this message with your friends if you found it helpful and start forming new habits together.
If you liked what you read enter your email below and grab my 6 free fitness reports designed to help you reach your fitness goals and get that beach body by summertime! Sound to good to be true, you're right you do still need to do the workouts to get the results I haven't created that magic pill yet.
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