Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How I lost 40 pounds and kept it off

Todays blog is a very personal one since it is almost 4 years ago to the date that I embarked on my own weight loss journey.  I wanted to share that with readers today to show you it's never to late to start your journey and you can't outrun a bad diet!

 I have always been a fit person, I love to lift weights, workout, play sports.  There was a time though shortly after college that I stayed up to late, ate to many late night meals, and had a few to many alcoholic beverages.  Well all that did was add 30 pounds to me.  I was a personal trainer at the time this was all happening.  I saw what I was doing for my clients and realized I needed to do some work on myself.  I had a break through at the gym one morning while running on the treadmill watching a P!nk music video.  She was speaking directly to me I felt and I realized I didn't want to go through life like that anymore.  I was half awake, and only lived for the weekends.  Meanwhile I was working from 5am-10pm.  So was really wearing my body down.  I somehow still got to the gym every morning during the week or I'm sure my weight gain would have been more.  This is why I know you can't outrun a bad diet. I was burning 600-1000 calories at the gym each session.  I didn't set out with a timeline at hand I just knew I wanted to get back to my old weight or even lower.  So my personal weight loss took about a year.  I did so by watching what I ate and cut down on the nights out.  I turned towards clean eating and re-discovered my passion for healthy food and fitness all over again.

Now is the sometimes challenging part how do you keep off the weight after you have lost it.  Notice I did say I lost 40lbs I did lose an extra 10lbs from my starting weight, yeah!

Tips for keeping off the weight: 

1. Have a scary number in your mind: I have a range of numbers in which I am okay with my weight fluctuating between.  If I go outside my range I immediately start to rein in my diet and up my workout intensity.  I know that if it creeps out of my range you can easily fall back into old habits.

2. Keep changing up your workouts: I love working out by I too can get bored from doing the same old routine.  Sometimes I need to mix it up and leave the gym for a workout or two.  If I'm really in a funk I buy a groupon and try a new fitness facility or style of workout I'm not used to for a month.  That usually gets me back on track.

3. Don't go more than 3 days without a workout: If you start skipping your workouts day after day you start to justify you don't need a workout.  It gets much harder to get back on track which can further derail your fitness goals and weight gain can be inevitable.

4. Eat clean: Diet is 80% of weight loss.  I personally can feel if I have had a bad day with nutrition I don't feel as well.  I lose energy, feel cranky, and don't want to workout that day.  So I try to keep my diet as clean as possible.  Meaning low carbs, high fruits & veggies, and lots of protein.

5. Have a protein shake daily: I love having a protein shake every morning.  It is a great way to start my day it gives me energy and makes me feel full. I personally enjoy the brand Isagenix.

6. Indulge every once in a while: I tell the majority of my clients they need to eat clean 80% of the time, once you have reached your goal.  It is okay to have a treat for special occasions or if your craving a piece of dark chocolate go ahead and have a piece just don't eat the whole candy bar.  If you know you can't have just a little your better off finding a new "treat" for yourself.

7. Schedule your workouts: If it isn't scheduled it's not real- Marie Forelo stated she was speaking to business owners but this applies to your own workouts as well.  She is 100% correct, I always schedule my workout into my day.  If I don't make time for myself no one else will.

8. Don't beat yourself up over a bad day: If you had a rough day at work, you didn't eat well, you missed your workout and are now beating yourself up about it.  Forget about it!  You don't need to be perfect everyday.  If your striving for perfection you are bound to fail at some point.  Even the strongest willed person will indulge themselves from time to time.

Those are some of my best tips for helping you keep your weight loss off.  I have kept my weight steady for 4 years now.  For extra motivation having a picture of what you used to look like handy will help fight some of those cravings.  (I tried to find one for this blog post but don't have any saved on the computer, but I do have one hanging on my wall to remind me of how far I have come!)  As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more fitness inspiration and tips!  Plus check out our new Fab Abs video at the link below!

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