Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How do I know which fitness dvd to purchase or to workout with?

There are so many fitness dvd's & youtube videos out there now how do you know which one is right for you?  Well trick question, kind of.  Which ever workout you feel motivated to do, which ever instructor you feel you have a connection to and whichever workout makes you feel like you did something.

Most everyone is familiar with the Jillian Michaels, Tony Horton (P90x), Insanity options but there are other great instructors that you might not have discovered yet.  If you go to youtube and search whichever program or fitness inspiration you feel motivated to do that day you will find thousands.  Just because the more famous people pop up first does not mean they are the best for you.  Scroll down and see what other options tickle your fancy.  You might find a fitness pro who lives in a different state or country then you but is fabulous at what they do.

I personally have found many good instructors this way.  I am a fan of http://www.bodyrock.tv/ for those of you looking for more of an intense workout at home.  I discovered them on pinterest of all places.  So if you keep your eyes open you can discover fitness professionals all around on non-traditional fitness platforms, such as pinterest, instagram, and facebook.

I would highly suggest for you to keep looking if you haven't found that instructor or program that you can do at home.  We all have those days where we want to workout but don't want to go to the gym.  That is when you get on youtube and see what you can find.  You might be surprised and what you discover & find a new workout routine that you fall in love with.

 As always check out www.safiretraining.com for more fitness tips & inspiration.

In good health,

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