Saturday, November 10, 2012

Get your Booty in tip top shape!

How do you work those glutes and get them ready for the winter?  Wait, what the winter, yes I do mean the winter.  We get to where jeans and leggings and you need to get those glutes in tip top shape. Below is a workout you can do to keep those glutes in tip top shape or to work on getting those glutes in better shape.  You can also check out my youtube channel for more information on how to perform these specific exercises.

Do the following exercises 2-3 sets and 10-15 reps 

1. Curtsey Lunge w/Knee lift- Step behind in lunge position and bring knee up and out to side of body. Keep alternating legs. 

2. Plie Squats w/calf raises- Step feet out wider than shoulder width apart and squat down as you stand up raise up onto toes to get the calves involved. 

3. Walking Lunges- Take a step forward and lunge so your knee is hovering over the ground, make sure the knee doesn't go past the toe and you should have a 90 degree knee bend in both legs.

4. Split Leg Lunges- Put one leg on a couch or stability ball if your balance is strong.  Lunge down so your front leg is bent in a 90 degree and push back up using your glutes.  Make sure you sit down rather than push your knee out wider than your toe. 

5.  Stability Ball hamstring curls- Lying on back, butt lifted in air, abs tucked in tight.  Squeeze heels back to meet butt and push ball back away from body.  As you are doing this your heels are on the ball and than the bottom of your feet are, keep exchanging this position. 

6. Donkey Kicks- On all 4's take one knee into chest and kick it straight back out behind you and lift as high as possible to the sky.  Keep repeating on 1 leg than switch to other side. 

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