Today I went to get my resting metabolic rate measured expecting it to be great with no issues. After all I workout and eat better than the average person. Well boy was I in for a surprise. My calorie burn was within the average by 20 calories which is rare for someone who works out 5-6 days a week. We than looked at the percentage of calories I was burning from fat and it was 19% the average person burns 50% and you want to burn around 75% or higher. So a whopping 19% is not good at all.
So now I am logging all of my foods and changed the percentage of carbs, fats and proteins I am eating. If you chart your own you should only be getting 100grams of carbohydrates when on websites it will allow for close to 300 which is much more than the body can process I learned today. So I thought if my body is this out of whack on my metabolism and I am in the average weight and body fat percentage. This is a major issue that can be affecting millions of americans and we don't even know it.
So my advice for you would be find someone who can measure your metabolic rate at rest so you do know how many calories you should be eating and of what percentage you should be eating of carbs, proteins and fats. I was under eating and thought I was eating plenty of food throughout the day. So get your nutrition in check to help change that metabolism it can take months but stick with it, it can be done. I will be doing it myself right along with you!
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