This time of year every thing gets hectic; malls are crowded, gyms become crowded during the prime time hours, you feel as if you have 100 different things you need to do each day. So squeezing in your workouts can be quite challenging. You want to go to the gym but realize by the time you park your car, change in the locker room, find the equipment you want to use, you only have 20 minutes to actually workout. What's a busy gal to do? While take that workout inside. You don't need a lot of fancy equipment to get in a good workout in the comfort of your own living room. I have provided two great workouts for you to try when you're in need of a workout and need to do it at home. Both workouts can be done in 30 minutes or less.
Workout # 1
*Perform each exercise for 1 minute, you can rest 30 seconds in between each exercise or perform workout without any breaks. Repeat this routine 2-3 times.
- Squats
- Walking Lunges
- Push-ups
- High Plank w/knee drives to elbows
- Tabletop crunches
- Side Plank with crunches
- Reverse Lunges
- Dips on chair
- Side Lunges
- Up/down planks
Workout #2
*Perform each exercise for 1 minute, you can rest 30 seconds in between each exercise or perform workout without any breaks. Repeat this routine 2-3 times.
- Mountain Climbers
- Knee Drive to downdog
- Frogger Jumps
- Squat Jacks to Burpees
- T-push-ups
- Skater Lunges
- Triceps Push-ups
- Side Lunge with leg lift
- Side Plank with knee drives
- Squat Thrusters
The first workout is good for a strength based routine if your looking for more of a weight routine. The second workout is a combination of strength and cardio which will increase the overall calorie burn. Let me know how the workouts go via facebook!
In good health,
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