Studies show if your intrinsically motived your more likely to stick with your workouts. To be intrinsically motivated there are no outside factors contributing to your fitness or goals you have. You are truly intrinsically motivated if you enjoy working out and would do so even if there was a "pill" you took to get the results you want. Many people are not intrinsically motiavted so whats a gal suppose to do? Well below are some tips if you feel yourself losing your mojo for working out.

Motivation Tips
- Set exercise goals: Each month set new SMART goals. A smart goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant & time bound. So don't just say I want to lose some weight- say how much and by when.
- Find an accountability parter: Find a friend or someone at the gym who you think would hold you accountable to your workouts. Everyone needs that person who will help them workout on a rough day. They don't feel like going but they know that person is counting on them to. That is why bootcamp & having personal trainers are important. A good instructor & trainer will care when you are there and when your not. They are there to help you succeed.
- Have a positive attitude: Sometimes looking at your attitude and the energy your putting out there is all it takes to change your thoughts & mind. Feeling like you enjoy working out is sometimes the first step in taking your fitness to the next level.
- Find something you enjoy: There are tons of different classes, workout crazes & equipment out there. You are bound to find something you like and may even love. Even if its just walking that is always a start. There are tons of classes and trainers out there that will help you find your niche. Just don't give up and say working out is not for you.
- Write down your workouts: Put your workouts into your calendar, and plan for those during the week. A lot of time people lose motivation because they didn't plan. They get frustrated with themselves because they told themselves they would work out but never said when, what day or what they were going to do during their workout. So plan ahead and make time on Sundays to map out your week.
- Create a motivation board: Cut out pictures of people who inspire you, what your goal of working out is, positive words, emotions or anything else that will help get you to the gym. Creating a vision board helps you stay in tune with your goals & gives you that extra "should I really have that second cookie, drink or helping of food" voice in your head as well.
Follow those tips and before you know it you will be motivated to keep your routine even over the busy holidays which are quickly approaching.
As always check out for more fitness tips & tools for everyday use.
As always check out for more fitness tips & tools for everyday use.
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