Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Living Room Workout!

The season is upon us and boy does it get busy.  How are you going to get your workout in with so little time?  Well you don't need to go to the gym you can just get a quick workout in right in your living room.  You can do 10 minutes at a time if you can't get a full 30 minutes in at once.  Below is a great circuit you can do in your living room without any equipment.  (unless you count your couch or a dining room chair)

Lemon Squeezers (minus the contraption she is in)
  1. Push-ups- this can be done on the floor or as shown in the picture if your more advanced put your feet on the couch and perform your push-ups on a decline.  
  2. Squats- Have your feet shoulder width apart and squat back with your hips, your weight should be in your heels.  Make sure your knees do not go past your toes.  
  3. Up/Down Planks- Start in a low plank on your forearms.  Than proceed to push yourself up into a high plank arms extended straight up and go back down.  You should be on your toes or you can go to your knees.
  4. Dips- Use your couch or a dining room chair.  Make sure your elbows go back.  If you have a bad shoulder be careful with this move.  Make sure you feel this in the back of your arms.  
  5. Lemon Squeezers- Lying on back squeeze legs and upper body together landing on your sits bones than flatten your back, back to the ground.  Repeat.  To make more challenging do not let legs touch ground. 
  6. Reverse Lunges- Step back into a 90 degree angle with front knee and back knee.  Make sure your knee doesn't go past your toe in the front.  
  7. Shoulder Push-Ups- With your body in a v-up position hands and shoulder directly below each other.  You don't need to drop your head to touch the ground just a little movement.  
Shoulder Push-ups

*Do 3-4 sets or as many as you can do in 30 minutes-  15 reps of each.  
This will help you keep that rocking body over the holiday rush!

Check out more videos at www.safiretraining.com 

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