Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Plan ahead how to make those fitness goals a reality

How to plan ahead for the new year and finish 2012 strong.  First what are your fitness goals in the next week or two?  Write them down, put them on the fridge.  Maybe your goal is to not gain any weight.  Put a plan into action how are you going to accomplish that goal?  Avoid eating extra sweets, lets be honest a cookie now and again over the holidays is almost unavoidable and I don’t blame you.  Just don’t eat the whole batch.  Now that you are thinking about the upcoming weeks think ahead to the coming year.

2013 what are your fitness goals in the next year.  It doesn’t have to be a resolution of sorts but you should have an idea of where you want to go with your fitness levels.  Maybe over the next year you want to lose 50lbs, 10lbs or lose 20 inches, lose 10% body fat.  Think about what you want at the end of the year and work backwards from there.  If it is lose 50lbs plan that out how are you going to get there?  If you don’t know how maybe investing in a trainer to help you is a good idea.  If it is to do a fitness show of sorts sign up for one and start planning.  If at all you don’t know how to make your goals happen ask for help. There are good people out there who enjoy helping others achieve their goals.  So invest in yourself if you need to, everyone should invest a little in themselves after all.  

So map out that year what are your goals and how are you going to make that happen?  If you want more information about reaching your goals check out SaFire Training or get motivational tips at www.facebook.com/safiretraining

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