Saturday, January 26, 2013

Creative Exercises

There are a lot of different exercises that one can do.  How do you keep the creativeness into your workout routine?  Below are some great workout ideas for you to do to keep your lifting routine fresh!  Perform 2-3 sets and between 10-15 reps.

1. Plie squat into calf raise, with one arm raised over head and the other holding onto a body bar or a couch or chair.  Like above picture.

2. Russian Twists w/pass throughs- Leaning back into a russian twists as you are moving the ball from side to side lift your leg up and go underneath your leg to the other hand and repeat going back in the other direction.

3. Plank with leg lift- In low or high plank lift 1 leg straight up to the sky do all reps on 1 leg than switch to the other side.

4. Side Plank with hip dip and crunch- In side plank dip hip towards ground as soon as your back into plank position perform crunch across the body bringing elbow towards ground.  Repeat for allotted reps on 1 side than repeat other side.

5. Pullover with leg ext.- On bench or on the ground, with 1 heavy weight lift the weight straight back overhead and pull back up above your head.  When weight is above your head lower legs out as straight as you can go.  When legs are back to center slowly lower weight above head again.

Those are just a few creative exercises to incorporate into your workout routine.  Check out for more fitness videos.

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