Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Vison boards, SMART Goals, Inspiration- Oh my!

With the year winding down quite a few people are focusing on their 2014 goals.  As one of my clients said 2014 has a much better ring to it then 2013 does.  So depending on how your year went you might feel the same way.  So with a new year approaching what are your goals?  Don't go another year without putting goals on paper.  As I was telling my guy if you don't have goals where are you going in life?  How do you know you ever reach that destination?  I feel quite a few people live each day on a hamster wheel not really focusing on achieving something.  The achievement doesn't have to be something huge it can be something as simple as saving up to buy a new ipad, or learning how to snowboard, taking that trip to Sweden that you always wanted to do, maybe its losing those last 10 pounds & keeping them off.  Whatever you're striving for write it down and post somewhere you can see it daily.
I have recently read a book entitled Desire Map by: Danielle LaPorte it really is a wonderful book if you want to get down to the nitty gritty of writing goals.  Every goal she records she records how she wants to feel next to it.  So she is not only striving towards a goal but recording how she wants to feel when she achieves it.  She makes a great point of saying its the journey to the goal that will make or break achieving the goal.  If the journey is awful & tortures one how likely will they meet that goal?  Most likely they will quit that experience and forget about it & throw in the towel on goal setting, saying it doesn't work for them.  So when you tie a feeling to the goal really focus on that feeling because that is what you are truly striving for not the goal itself.  You feel the goal for example going to Sweden will make you feel excited to fill a childhood dream.  This is what you are remembering while you're saving money from every paycheck to attain your goal.

Finally when setting any goal or working on your vision board follow the SMART acronym.



A- Attainable


T- Time

 Make sure you have recorded a date with all you're goals and not just said you will learn how to snowboard in 2014.  Try and be specific such as By March 31st, 2014 I will have learned how to snowboard and feel overjoyed at the fact that I tried a new sport.  In that example you have the date listed, what your goal is and then finally how you would feel after achieving that.  So give smart goals a shot in 2014 try a new goal setting procedure to help you reach whatever goal you set out to achieve in the upcoming new year.  
As always check back every Tuesday for new blog posts and sign-up below to be on our newsletter list in which I give out fitness tips only to my subscribers.

In good health, Andrea
SaFire Training

SaFire TrainingDownton Abbey fitness

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