Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Body Weight Exercises

After working this last week with youth athletes who are amazing to work with by the way.  I have a renewed sense of bodyweight exercises and how effective they are.  Most young kids do not need to lift a ton of weights but doing body weight exercises is a plus.  Below is a great workout you can do all with your own bodyweight.

1. Push-Ups-  The main thing you need to do is make sure your butt is not up high like a mountain and not to low like a valley- just holding straight like a board. Pretend there is a tennis ball below your chest drop all the way down and push back up.

2. Squats- Make sure your knees don't go past your toes.  Sit back like your going to sit in a chair and chest up.

3. Plank-Hold up in a basic position to advance tap your feet out side to side like shown in picture.

4. Mountain Climbers- Put yourself in a high plank position and tap your feet up towards the front of your body like you are running.  Keep repeating as fast as you can.
5. Lunges- Alternate legs as you take a regular stride length forwards and than step back.  Make sure you knee doesn't go past your toes and your abs are zipped up nice and tight.  

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