Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween: Tips for not gorging on all that sugar

I just read Halloween is the 2nd biggest holiday in the U.S kind of crazy.  Well with Halloween comes the candy with the candy comes adults nibbling on their kids treats and kids overeating all the candy how can we stop the monster madness!!

So how can people stop from gorging over all the candy?
1.  The parents can take all of the kids Halloween candy and hide it from the kids and give them 1-3 small pieces a day pending on the age and activity level of the kids.  My parents used to do this to us and we never complained and usually never finished all our candy because we got sick of eating it daily.  This is what you want from kids so they do not become dependent on the sugar.

Now the 2nd part how can the parents or adults not gorge in the candy?  This is going to require some will power.  Think about what you are eating how do you feel after you eat it?  Did it satisfy your craving or just encourage you to eat more?  The hard part is you have to be truly honest with yourself and know what you are feeling.

What does all that sugar do to your body?
There are numerous studies out now looking at what sugar does to the body.  Many have proven that sugar is more addictive than drugs.  So many kids who are used to eating candy everyday will become addicted and want it more as adults.  So my challenge to you can you go for a week without sugar?  Monitor your sugar intake and notice how you feel that week without it.  Do you suffer withdrawal symptoms, crave more sugar?  Take notes in a journal after you make it through that week or two try not to look back as soon as you have sugar again the cravings will come right back.  The longer you can resist the better for your body. 

Part 2 coming later this week- What are healthy alternatives to give to your kids?  What are the "healthiest" candies? What are quick exercises you can do after eating your 13th mini snickers bar?

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