Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What should a youth athlete eat?

Benefits of whole grains:
-They're high in fiber, helping us maintain a healthy GI tract
-They're slow to digest, helping us maintain energy levels
-They're loaded with vitamins and minerals, improving our nutrient density
-They're satisfying, helping us control appetite

Food for thought:   If there's a cartoon on the box or package, leave it on the shelf!

*The recommended dietary allowances suggests an intake of 2200-2500 calories for 11-14 year old females and males. 
-The numbers will fluctuate pending activity level

The importance of fiber
-Fiber helps sustain energy over a longer period of time, slows the digestion of food.  It helps lower the risks of heart disease, obesity, certain cancers and diabetes. 

Kids are picky eaters=
1. Make it fun for them- cut up fruits and vegetables in the shape of fun things, tell them about eating the colors of the rainbow.
2. Research suggests it takes about 12-15 times of introducing a new food before a child may truly like or dislike it. Don't stop after 1 attempt.

1. Protein is crucial for recovery and repair
2. Protein should come from a variety of sources
3. Additional protein can and should be consumed through whole foods. 

If it's solid at room temperature, ditch it- instead opt for olive, canola, and flax oils, along with raw nuts, avocados, and fish. 
Trans Fats
-Ditch partially and fully hydrogenated oils it is still trans fats even if the label says 0 grams of trans fat.

Benefits of Breakfast
1. Improved cognitive performance
2. Higher test scores
3. Decreased body weight
4. Increased iron intake
5. Increased calcium intake
6. Increased folic acid intake

Breakfast ideas
1. Rolled Oats
2. Cheerios
3. Raisin Bran
4. Bran Flakes
5. Most Kashi Brand cereals
6. Oat Bran
7. Wheatenna
8. Shredded wheat
9. Eggs w/some mixed veggies
10. Yogurt with fruit
11. Fruit and natural peanut butter
12. Raw nuts and dried fruit
**This is not a comprehensive list just simple ideas

**Children should not be forced to eat or clean their plates. Or saying you can't eat dessert unless you clean your plate does not teach the child to listen to when they are actually full and encourages the child to please others and ignore natural hunger cues

Simple Nutrition Tips
1. Encourage higher quality foods
2. Eat Breakfast daily
3. Eat calories, don't drink them
4. Decrease trans fat foods and the intake of high sugar, high fat drinks, snacks, and foods in a general way to improve the quality of the diet, without limiting growth and development.

Food for thought
*Research suggests when children are allowed to be part of the decision making process, they will be more likely to follow through with the outcome because they play a role.  When talking with kids, have them speak up and figure out different solutions together. 

Mineral Needs
1. Calcium- Bone mass
2. Iron- Essential for blood cell formation 
3. Zinc-Hormone production 

Vitamins Under consumed
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin C
3. Vitamin B6

How Fluid Losses can negatively impact Performance
1. Increase heart rate
2. Decrease in cardiac output
3. Decrease muscular endurance
4. Increase core body temperature
5. Muscle cramping from electrolyte loss (Sodium and potassium)
6. Decreased Balance
7. Reduced strength and power
8. Heat Exhaustion 
9. Heat Stroke

Primary Fluid
Primary fluid should be water closely followed by skim milk

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