How is that resolution coming? Just like this person in the picture above are you making small steps to get there or did you try to jump up all the steps at once? I know studies show the person who starts making those small changes usually end up making their goal(s) stick. The one who tries to overhaul their entire life to achieve the goal usually doesn't fair so well in 4 months from now. So take a look at your goal, what can you do to achieve it today that is small and sustainable for the next year? Start with the subtle shifts you can make in your life that won't throw you off course. If it is a workout goal shoot for 3 days a week to start. If you try to workout everyday, 1. You will burn yourself out. 2. You need a rest day, it is not good for your body to workout everyday. So take a second look at your goals what can you do to break up your goals into small and reasonable tasks and goals. If yours are already broken up see if you can add a second goal to your list. Try this little things and eventually they will add up to one great goal achieved!
Check out SaFire Training for more information on achieving those goals!
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