It's no secret I really like to work the booty. I believe this muscle group is so neglected during the day that it needs to be strengthened, tightened, stretched, and toned. It is the biggest muscle group in your body and we should be working it to be the powerhouse of the lower body. So below is a great workout to work that booty!
With all the exercises perform 3 sets if your advanced, 1-2 sets if your starting out.
1. Reverse lunge-
In lunge position step backwards forming 90 degrees in the front leg and 90 degrees with the back leg. Chest should be lifted up, eyes facing forwards. Alternate legs sinking down into your glutes to really get that burn. Use weights if you want more resistance. Perform this exercise- 10-12 reps.
2. Angled Glute Lifts
On all 4's pulse leg out behind you lifting up to side and down. Perform this exercise 20 times each leg.
Perform a side lunge over to one side of the body. As you are standing upright lift opposite leg straight in the air. Repeat back on one side of the body. Do all 10 reps on left side of body before switching to the right side.
4. Squat Jumps
Squat down as you reach your lowest point reach arms upwards quickly and exploding up onto toes and jumping up as high as possible. Land back in squat position absorbing the landing with your glutes. Perform this for 30 seconds.
5. Squats to a side kick
Perform squat as you are coming to the top kick leg out quickly to the side and perform another squat and as you stand quickly kick with the other leg. Perform 16 total kicks alternating sides.
6. Deadlifts
Keeping dumbbells in front of quads slowly shift weight back towards glutes. Slowly lower weights down to the ground keeping legs straight but knees not locked. As you reach the ground (or as low as you can go) pull up to standing position using your glutes and hamstrings. You want to be slow and in control of your body the entire time. Perform 10-12 reps. These are 6 great exercises you can do to help you tone and tighten that tush. Check out for a video on how to do these moves.
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