Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Get your goals right

Now that it is the New Year people are planning their goals for the year.  If you haven't done that yet no worries you have plenty of time all year to get goals written.  I wrote some of my best goals in the summer of last year.  I started my own training business last August which was a huge goal of mine to get off the ground. So don't stress yourself over making a goal right now if you don't have one in mind wait until it comes to you.  But if you are ready to make a goal of sorts go ahead and start now by following these tips.

1. Keep the goal realistic.  Don't say your going to lose 50lbs in 2 months and expect it to happen.  Don't say your going to quit your job in a week and pursue your passion when you financially won't be able to make it.
-Losing 1-2lbs a week is safe so stick to small but reasonable increments.  As far as pursing your passion I'm all for that but make sure you have a saved up at least 3 months of income when your starting your new business.

2. Put a time table on your goal.  If you don't have a set date you want to achieve something it most likely will not happen.  So make sure you have a time frame of when you want that goal to be achieved.

3. Tell someone about your goal.  Your more likely to go after that goal if you tell a friend, spouse, mother, father and let them know the date in which you want it achieved as well.

4. Really think about what you want to achieve this year.  Take a day or two to really think what is it I truly want to see happen in 2013.  Meditate on it, resist the urge in asking others what your goal should be really have it be your goal.

Let me know what your goal(s) are this year and leave a comment below.

For more information check out www.safiretraining.com

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