Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fitness life after baby

One of my favorite clientele to work with are pre/post natal women.  I specialize in helping women get their pre-baby body back.  One of the keys to doing so is having a game plan both before, during & after pregnancy. Be realistic you probably will not be able to spend hours at the gym anymore.  You should not beat yourself up for not spending as much time as you were before baby.  You have a new little one priorities change and you will need to adjust your life accordingly.  So below are tips that will help you reach your ideal body and show you your fitness life after baby.
postbaby workout

Tips for Pre-Baby Body Bounce Back

  1.  Start small: If you worked out during pregnancy you should start where you left off.  As long as you don't have diastasis recti (when your abdominals split) you should start with core moves.  Bird/Dogs, planks, cat/camel pose.  Make sure you get your doctors permission before you start any workout program post baby.  
  2. Don't beat yourself up: If you can't do as many reps, weight, or even run as long as you used to don't fret.  You just had a child and your body needs to recover.  If you worked out during pregnancy your body will bounce back quicker then if you didn't workout during pregnancy.
  3. Set smart goals: Don't worry about I have to lose 30 pounds to get my body back.  Set small monthly goals.  A reasonable amount is 1-2 pounds a week, so setting a goal of 8 pounds a month is reasonable.  Stick to those smaller goals rather then trying to tackle losing the 30 lbs in the first month.  You didn't put that weight on in 1 month and you most likely will not take it off in 1 month.
  4. Watch what you eat: If you are breast feeding you will need to consume extra calories usually 300-500 calories.  When eating those "extra" calories watch what you are eating.  Don't gorge on junk food, wine, and potato chips.  Make them count and feed your body with nourishment.  This will help you reach your fitness goals a little faster as well.
  5. Work out at home: New mommies don't always have the time to pack up their gym bags,  your new babies clothes, diaper bag and then get in the car unload everything, drive to the gym, unpack the car, then drop off the baby at the childcare center.  That can take up to 30 minutes just doing those tasks.  If you know you won't get to the gym invest in some dumbbells.  Start with 2 sets a lighter & heavier set.  You can do so much with a set of dumbbells & bodyweight while your baby is napping.  Don't think you can't get results at home.  I personally love a good workout at home to get a little variety in my usual gym setting environment.
Those are just a few examples to get you started on your workouts, nutrition & motivation pre-baby.  One thing that always helps is writing down your goals or having a friend help you out as well.
As always check out for more fitness & nutrition information.  Don't forget to sign-up below for our bi-weekly fitness tips that only our subscribers get. 
In good health,


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