Some have said fitness has more trends then a high school hallway. This can be true there are always new ideas, new twists on old classics, and fitness professionals that contradict each other. So what is a person to do when they are on information overload with new tricks & gadgets? Well this post is going to go into all of the sizzling workout trends of 2014.
- Online Training- Online training in various forms are becoming quite convenient for the public. People are skipping the gyms and working out at home. It is quite easy to get a great workout in from the comfort of your own living room with little equipment and a program to follow. Check out SaFire Trainings online program to learn more about what we offer.
- HITT Training- I'm a huge fan of HITT training (High intensity interval training). That is done when you get your heart rate up high then slow it down and then repeat back to high intensity. This helps burn calories after the workout for many hours. This is a great choice for people if you need to do a workout in less time as well.
- 55+ Training- With the growing population of the baby boomers this group of people want to workout and live a healthy life. So there are new classes offered to entice this population to find a niche that they will enjoy for the rest of their lives.
- Various versions of yoga- Yoga is a constant when it comes to trends. This year is no different. There are brand new ways to find a class you enjoy. You can find yoga for people looking to sculpt the muscles, repair the muscles, or get a workout in using various props. A great app to find local yoga classes near you is om finder.
- Strength Training- Finally women are understanding the benefits of strength training and seeing results. Strength training is now a trend!! Strength training not only tones the body but helps you burn more calories at rest, it helps build strong bones, you become stronger so you can lift that 20lb cat litter into your own car. Strength training routines can be found all over pinterest boards, and websites. The key is to build your program to optimize your results, that is one thing personal trainers can help you with.
As always if you want to learn more fitness tips & tricks check out SaFire Training for new topics each week.
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