One of my favorite artists is P!nk . I love how she actually sings, dances & puts on a show. She really works hard on stage. So you can imagine she is in wonderful shape. I mean who can forget her 2010 grammy performance singing upside down in a swing. She is a true performer. Well she has been on the cover of numerous Women's Health & Shape magazines throughout the year. What can we learn from P!nk to help us with our own fitness journeys? Read on below to discover what we can learn from this amazing artist.
- She is not afraid to sweat: P!nk is a hard worker she does what she needs to do to get a heavy, hard workout in. She isn't one to lift the light weights and expect big changes. When she was pregnant shedding her 55 pound weight gain she was training with heavy weights, medicine balls and interval training.
- Add a little Pilates to your life: She balanced her heavy lifting routine with pilates. Now for P!nk pilates maybe more needed in terms of her performances. She has clean lines when performing and wonderful body control which are notably present in pilates.
- She works her core: P!nk throughout the years has been known for her hardcore abs. After giving birth her trainer has stated she trains her abs 7 days a week. Now when training 7 days a week you will want to lift light weights. (Also what P!nk does) she combines pilates, bands, rings, & balls for her ab routine. If you do lift heavy for abs I would recommend taking rest days in between lifting days for your abs. They are like other muscle groups & do need a rest in between lifting days.
- Don't expect a quick fix: P!nk's workout takes 60-90 minutes, 5 days a week. Fitting that workout into your day is required medicine for everyone. Make that time for yourself it will help you feel better, stay in shape later in life, & give you that body confidence most people need.
- Watch what you eat: To me fitness encompasses not just your workout but your nutrition & motivation as well. P!nk eats very clean healthy meals. She enjoys lots of veggies, & other "superfoods". She also enjoys protein but she is a vegetarian so her protein does not come in the meat form. You have to decide for yourself which type of protein you enjoy. Lean protein helps build that coveted lean muscle which helps you burn more fat at rest.
In honor of P!nk below is a great core & booty workout to help you start your P!nk fitness regimen.
As always check out SaFire Training for more fitness tips & inspiration!
In good health,
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