Monday, August 6, 2012

How do you win your gold medal?

What is your gold medal in life?

When you are thinking about your life and what makes you the most proud of what you have done, what is it?  Is it getting married to the love of your life, seeing the birth of your child, maybe winning a championship as a young athlete or an MVP title?  What makes you keep pushing for more?  What drives you to achieve more and want more from yourself?

So when you are thinking of those answers write them down.  You might look back on your life years from now and say boy was I in good shape when I was 17.  What is stopping you from getting back into that kind of shape?  I don't mean to weigh 150 again if your a guy and 125 if your a girl.  But to feel as good as you felt when you were that young.  I personally feel like I am close to being in my best shape of my life now.  I was always an athlete but even athletes now sometimes you let yourself slide and it is a battle to get yourself back on top.  So I worked for it and went for it.

Reaching your goals takes discipline.  Write down your plan what are you going to do this next month to help you reach those goals?  What about the next 6 months, a year from now and 5 years from now? The only people who fail their goals are those who never plan.  Write them down figure out exactly what you want from your life fitness-wise, career-wise and personal life and go for it!  Reach your gold medal moment.

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