Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finding your passion for fitness

As the snow seems to drag on longer and longer in the Midwest it can be a tough time for those who enjoy outdoor workouts.  Sometimes your fitness mojo can be lacking due to the circumstances we cannot control such as the weather.  So today I am going to help you find your fitness passion!

Below are a few questions that will help you figure out what it is your fitness passion entails.   Most people know what they love to do but often lack time, money or the know how to do it.  Fitness should be something your passionate about and should love to do on a weekly basis if not daily.  For a lot of people they just haven't found their love for fitness yet.

1. Do you like the water?
- Try swimming, water aerobics, wake boarding

2. Do you like to relax and workout?
-Try restorative yoga, meditation, pilates, kundalini yoga, walking outdoors

3. Do you prefer to get your heart rate going?
-Intervals, Tabata training, Bootcamps, Circuit workouts, Spinning class, Running

4. Do you want to work on flexibility?
-Yoga-vinyassa, hot yoga, foam rolling, barre classes

5. Do you want to smile & laugh?
-Laughing yoga, zumba, dance classes

6. Do you want to increase strength?
-Lifting weights, hiring a trainer (if your not sure what to do), Strength training classes

Like all good workouts a good balance is key but if your just starting out and trying to find what it is your going to do on a weekly basis choose something you love.  It should be enjoyable for you that your looking forward to it on most days.

If you want more workout ideas check out www.safiretraining.com

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