Monday, April 8, 2013

How to fight that nasty belly fat

I hear it all the time how do I get rid of this, picture someone pinching their stomach.  Well most women have issues with belly fat as they get older.  Think about all the things a women's body goes through: our monthly friend, giving birth, menopause, hormonal overload and the overall need for our body to store fat in places we don't always want it too.  So how can we fight the battle against the belly fat.  Well as you round out every decade unfortunately your metabolism starts to slow.  With a slowing metabolism you need to eat less than you currently were or exercise more.  Unfortunately for most we don't realize that or act on it until you start to notice your svelte figure is getting rounder.  Not bad for some people but most don't enjoy the extra pounds.  Below are some tips for you to keep that figure it tip top shape.

1. Eat breakfast: This is the breaking of the fast meal.  You don't eat all evening and you wake up and run out the door without eating than go to work.  You start getting hungry and than eat the doughnuts in the break room.  Than say to yourself there goes my diet I guess I will have to try again tomorrow.  Thus forms the nasty habit.  Start a new habit and have a shake, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, flax seed waffle with peanut butter are all good examples.

2. Drink Green Tea: The benefits as of late have ben proven to help boost your metabolism thus burning more overall calories which helps reduce the belly fat.

3. Move more at work:  So many of us sit around work and don't move for a few hours or all day.  Take a walk around the office every 30 minutes to an hour just to stretch the legs and let the eyes get away from the computer screen.  A little movement through the day has proven to help with productivity in the office.

4. Drink enough water: Make sure you stay hydrated that helps you stay fuller longer as well as keeping you away from the sugary drinks.  If you don't like the taste of regular water add a crystal light packet with no extra sugar or calories to your water.  

5. Get in your cardio: Most people find a little cardio helps keep their tummy tight.  So trying to get in at least 2 cardio sessions a week whether that be a light job, power walk or full out run for others.  You know your body best and how it responds.  

6. Do some planks: Perform a plank on the forearms.  You can do these daily and hold between 20 seconds- 1 minute.  Add side planks in if you want to work the obliques as well. 

As always check out for more training information. 

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