Monday, October 1, 2012

How do I lose those last few pounds

I have been asked by many people in the last few weeks how do I lose the last 10 pounds or so.  Well there is no secret weapon but you can do some things daily that will make a difference on the scale to make it budge.  

1. Eat breakfast- You need to make sure you get your metabolism kicking and don't eat doughnuts.  

2. Drink lots of water- Staying hydrated is key make sure you are drinking water instead of eating when you really are not hungry and might be just thirsty.

3. Count your calories- is a great website to use.  You might be surprised at how many calories your consuming or not consuming.

4. Find a workout buddy- Sometimes they help push you to the next level.  Make sure they are a good workout buddy and not just a good friend who really won't push you.

5. Find an accountability partner- Find someone in your life that will hold you accountable for what you are trying to accomplish.  If you tell them what your goals are they can help you achieve them or at least keep you honest.

6. Eliminate bad influences in your life- If there is someone holding you down get rid of them.  Evaluate why they are in your life in the first place.

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