How many people
like to trudge away on the treadmill to get their cardio workout in 3-5 times a week? The answer, not many. I myself enjoy the treadmill but know I am not the majority on this one. So what can you do to get your heart rate up to burn those calories without being on the treadmill for hours on end? Here are some options:
Option 1: Cardio Lifting
*Don't be scared by the title
1. Squats with a shoulder press
2. Step-ups onto a bench with a bicep curl
3. Lunge w/woodchopper
4. SB-V-up pass thrus
5. Up-Down Planks
6. Dips w/toe reach
7. Chest press to a crunch
8. Deadlift to a row
*Repeat above exercises 1 time if you are a beginner, 2 times intermediate and 3-4 for advanced, you want to do 10-15 reps of each exercise
Option 2: Cardio Mix-Ups
*Note this workout is best when the gym is not to busy
1.On cardio equipment of your choice 2 minutes at the top speed you can handle
2. Get off and perform 20 squats
3. On another piece of cardio equipment of your choice 2 minutes at the top speed you can handle
4. Get off and perform 20 lunges
5. Back to 1st cardio equipment 2 minutes at the top speed you can handle
6. Get off and perform 15 jump squats (regular squats if you cannot do jump squats)
7. Side step-ups to bench w/shoulder press- 10 a side
8. Cable Woodchoppers- 10 a side
9. Pull-ups or assisted pull-ups- 15
10. Split Jumps (regular lunges if you cannot do split jumps)- 14
*Repeat above exercises 1 time if you are a beginner, 2 times intermediate and 3-4 for advanced
***Note above workouts are to be performed after a 5-10 minute warm-up and should include a 5-10 minute cool down to get your heart rate back down.
If you don't know what some of the workouts are google the names and it should pop up or check out my website for videos on some of the exercises.